@article{fdi:010087647, title = {{I}ntraseasonal variability of the {S}outh {V}ietnam upwelling, {S}outh {C}hina {S}ea : influence of atmospheric forcing and ocean intrinsic variability}, author = {{H}errmann, {M}arine and {D}uy, {T}. {T}. and {E}stournel, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {S}outh {V}ietnam upwelling ({SVU}) develops off the {V}ietnamese coast ({S}outh {C}hina {S}ea, {SCS}) during the southwest summer monsoon over four main areas: the northern coastal upwelling ({NCU}), the southern coastal upwelling ({SCU}), the offshore upwelling ({OFU}) and the shelf off the {M}ekong {R}iver mouth ({MKU}). {A}n ensemble of 10 simulations with perturbed initial conditions were run with the fine-resolution {SYMPHONIE} model (1 km inshore) to investigate the daily to intraseasonal variability of the {SVU} and the influence of the ocean intrinsic variability ({OIV}) during the strong {SVU} of summer 2018. {T}he intraseasonal variability is similar for the {SCU}, {MKU} and {OFU}, driven to the first order by the wind variability. {T}he {MKU} and {SCU} are induced by stable ocean dynamics (the northeastward then eastward boundary current) and have very little chaotic variability. {T}he {OIV} has a stronger influence on {OFU}. {I}n {J}uly, {OFU} mainly develops along the northern flank of the eastward jet. {T}he influence of the {OIV} is strongest and related to the chaotic variability of the meridional position of the jet. {I}n {A}ugust, this position is stable and {OFU} develops mainly in the area of positive wind curl and cyclonic eddies north of the jet. {T}he influence of the {OIV}, weaker than in {J}uly, is related to the organization of this mesoscale circulation. {T}he {NCU} shows a behavior different from that observed in the other areas. {I}n the heart of summer, a large-scale circulation formed by the eastward jet and eddy dipole is well established with an alongshore current preventing the {NCU} development. {I}n early and late summer, this circulation is weaker, allowing a mesoscale circulation of strongly chaotic nature to develop in the {NCU} area. {D}uring those periods, the {OIV} influence on the {NCU} is very strong and related to the organization of this mesoscale circulation : the {NCU} is favored (annihilated) by offshore-oriented (alongshore) structures.}, keywords = {{VIET} {NAM} ; {MER} {DE} {CHINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}cean {S}cience}, volume = {19}, numero = {2}, pages = {453--467}, ISSN = {1812-0784}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.5194/os-19-453-2023}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087647}, }