@article{fdi:010087627, title = {{I}mpacts of the freshwater discharge on hydrodynamical patterns in the {G}ulf of {A}rauco (central-southern {C}hile) using a high-resolution circulation model}, author = {{V}ergara, {O}. {A}. and {E}chevin, {V}incent and {S}obarzo, {M}. and {S}epulveda, {H}. {H}. and {C}astro, {L}. and {S}oto-{M}endoza, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ff the central-southern {C}hilean coast (35 degrees -38 degrees {S}), the {G}ulf of {A}rauco is one of {C}hile's largest semi-enclosed coastal areas. {I}t hosts industrialized activities within a highly productive zone of the {S}outhern {H}umboldt {C}ur-rent {S}ystem. {O}ne of the principal hydrodynamical forcings of the region is the {B}iobio {R}iver, whose discharge significantly influences coastal dynamics in the {G}ulf. {T}he present work aims to study the impact of the {B}iobio {R}iver freshwater discharge on the circulation patterns in the {G}ulf of {A}rauco, using a high-resolution interannual simulation of the period 2013-2018. {T}he simulation includes monthly interannual discharge from the significant four rivers for the study zone ({M}ataquito, {M}aule, {B}iobio, and {I}tata). {T}he focus is primarily on wintertime ({J}une-{S}eptember), the highest freshwater discharges period. {T}he modeled temperature and salinity fields were consistent with in-situ observations, presenting a moderate bias. {T}he water masses highlighted in the {TS} dia-grams, the temperature time series, and especially the currents near the {B}iobio {R}iver mouth were well repre-sented in the simulation. {I}t was found that the {B}iobio {R}iver strongly impacted the circulation in the {G}ulf of {A}rauco, intensifying the currents and causing a notable salinity decrease. {O}ffshore zonal currents were inten-sified west of the {B}iobio {R}iver mouth, whereas southward alongshore currents were enhanced, especially during {A}ugust. {T}he influence of the {B}iobio {R}iver in the {G}ulf of {A}rauco was closely related to discharge strength. {A} strong relation between predominant southward downwelling-favorable wind stress and meridional currents was found, probably due to the formation of a buoyant coastal current strengthened by the wind-driven current during winter. {F}inally, surface buoyant waters associated with the river discharge generated a strong baroclinic zonal pressure gradient equilibrating the sheared meridional flow and enhancing the meridional ageostrophic pressure gradient, {R}eynolds stress, and near-surface vertical mixing of momentum.}, keywords = {{C}oastal modeling ; {G}ulf of {A}rauco ; {B}iobio {R}iver discharges ; {H}umboldt current system ; {PEROU} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, volume = {240}, numero = {}, pages = {103862 [20 p.]}, ISSN = {0924-7963}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103862}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087627}, }