@article{fdi:010087625, title = {{D}escription of a new species of {T}oxorhynchites ({D}iptera : {C}ulicidae) from {N}epenthes pitchers in {C}ambodia}, author = {{M}aquart, {P}. {O}. and {R}ahola, {N}il and {C}hhuoy, {K}. and {H}eng, {K}. {M}. {Y}. and {C}hhum, {M}. and {S}uor, {K}. and {B}oyer, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}oxorhynchites are often nicknamed "elephant mosquitoes" due to their large size and bent proboscis. {T}hese colorful mosquitoes are generally covered with iridescent and metallic-colored scales and do not require blood feeding to perform their oogenesis since females acquire all the required proteins during their larval stages. {C}onsequently, they are not involved in the transmission of pathogens, and are not considered to be of medical importance. {T}his genus is comprised of 89 species worldwide, including three in {C}ambodia. {D}uring a survey conducted in {V}eun {S}ai {S}iem {P}ang {N}ational {P}ark and in {K}irirom {N}ational {P}ark in 2021, several larvae of {T}oxo-rhynchites were collected inside pitchers of the carnivorous plant {N}epenthes smilesii. {U}pon investigation, they were proven to belong to a new species, {T}x. domrey sp. nov., described in the present article. {LSID}: https://zoobank.org/6{D}09{A}56{F}-{A}509-4{FE}6-{BE}4{B}-{BAB}5{F}0{CB}748{F}.}, keywords = {{E}lephant mosquito ; {B}iodiversity ; {C}onservation ; {P}itcher plants ; {N}ew species ; {CAMBODGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}sia-{P}acific {E}ntomology}, volume = {26}, numero = {2}, pages = {102064 [5 p.]}, ISSN = {1226-8615}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/j.aspen.2023.102064}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087625}, }