@article{fdi:010087609, title = {{P}erception of {P}r{EP}-related stigma in {P}r{EP} users : results from the {ANRS}-{PREVENIR} cohort}, author = {{P}rotiere, {C}. and {S}agaon {T}eyssier, {L}uis and {D}onadille, {C}. and {S}ow, {A}. and {G}aubert, {G}. and {G}irard, {G}. and {M}ora, {M}. and {A}ssoumou, {L}. and {B}eniguel, {L}. and {M}ichels, {D}. and {G}hosn, {J}. and {C}ostagliola, {D}. and {C}astro, {D}. {R}. and {M}olina, {J}. {M}. and {S}pire, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ntroduction: {S}ince the advent of {HIV} pre-exposure prophylaxis ({P}r{EP}), stigma has been shown to be a major barrier to its uptake and adherence. {I}t is therefore essential to define the proportion of users who consider that {P}r{EP} can negatively impact their image and the factors associated with this perception.{M}ethod: {W}e performed a multivariable logistic regression on data from the 2567 participants in the {ANRS}-{PREVENIR} study who answered the outcome question. {R}esults: {A}lmost one-third of the sample (comprising mostly cisgender men who have sex with men [94.3%]) considered that taking {P}r{EP} could give others a negative image of them. {Y}ounger participants (adjusted odds ratio [a{OR}] 0.98; 95% confidence interval [{CI}] 0.97-0.99) and more psychologically vulnerable participants (i.e., lower self-esteem score [a{OR} 0.98; 95% {CI} 0.96-0.99] and higher depression score [a{OR} 1.02; 95% {CI} 1.00-1.03]) were also more likely to have this perception. {I}n contrast, participants encouraged to take {P}r{EP} by their main partner (a{OR} 0.67; 95% {CI} 0.51-0.88) and friends (a{OR} 0.79; 95% {CI} 0.66-0.95), and those who protected themselves more because they had knowledge of their most recent sexual partner's {HIV} status (a{OR} 0.83; 95% {CI} 0.69-0.99) and systematic use of {P}r{EP} and/or condoms during intercourse in the previous 3 months (a{OR} 0.80; 95% {CI} 0.67-0.96) were less likely to have this perception.{D}iscussion: {G}iven the strong interrelation between stigmatization (real or perceived), risky behaviours and adherence, our results emphasize the need for {HIV} prevention campaigns to promote a positive image of {P}r{EP} users. {T}hey also show that stigmatization and its effects need to be fully considered to improve {HIV} prevention offers to current and potential {P}r{EP} users who are most likely to be psychologically vulnerable.}, keywords = {{MSM} ; {P}r{EP} ; psychological vulnerability ; representations ; stigma}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{HIV} {M}edicine}, volume = {[{E}arly access]}, numero = {}, pages = {[8 p.]}, ISSN = {1464-2662}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1111/hiv.13491}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087609}, }