@article{fdi:010087526, title = {{T}he origin of cultivated mangosteen ({G}arcinia mangostana {L}. var. mangostana) : critical assessments and an evolutionary-ecological perspective}, author = {{Y}ao, {T}. {L}. and {N}azre, {M}. and {M}c{K}ey, {D}. and {J}alonen, {R}. and {D}uminil, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}angosteen ({G}arcinia mangostana var. mangostana) is a popular tropical fruit, yet many aspects of its biology and evolutionary history are little known. {I}ts origin remains contentious, although recent findings suggest {G}. mangostana {L}. var. malaccensis ({H}ook. f.) {N}azre (synonym: {G}. malaccensis {H}ook. f.) as the sole progenitor. {W}e review hypotheses on the origin of mangosteen and clarify points that have been affected by errors of fact and interpretation. {T}he narrow focus and lack of detail in published results make their interpretation difficult. {W}hen possible, we support our interpretations with field observations and examination of herbarium specimens. {W}e outline the main biological traits (e.g., dioecy, facultative apomixis, and polyploidy) of mangosteen and its wild relatives to infer traits that might have evolved during domestication of mangosteen. {W}e find no clear indication that apomixis and polyploidy evolved during domestication. {P}olyploidy is known in the wild relatives, but apomixis has not yet been demonstrated. {A}lso, we propose a testable new evolutionary-ecological framework that we call "{F}orest-{D}usun {I}nterface" to infer processes in the origin of mangosteen. {D}usun ({M}alay) refers to subsistence orchards in this context. {L}astly, we propose future studies to address identified knowledge gaps.}, keywords = {evolutionary ecology ; forest-dusun interface ; fruit tree domestication ; {G}arcinia mangostana ; wild relatives ; {AMERIQUE} {CENTRALE} ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {SUD} ; {AFRIQUE} ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {MASCAREGNES} ; {ASIE} {DU} {SUD} {EST} ; {NEW} {CALEDONIA} ; {AUSTRALIA} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cology and {E}volution}, volume = {13}, numero = {3}, pages = {e9792 [17 p.]}, ISSN = {2045-7758}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1002/ece3.9792}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087526}, }