@article{fdi:010087465, title = {{C}hemical and microbial characterization of fermented forest litters used as biofertilizers}, author = {{M}arois, {J}. and {L}erch, {T}. {Z}. and {D}unant, {U}. and {D}a {S}ilva, {A}. {M}. {F}. and {C}hristen, {P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he excessive use of chemicals in intensive agriculture has had a negative impact on soil diversity and fertility. {A} strategy for developing sustainable agriculture could rely on the use of microbial-based fertilizers, known as biofertilizers. {A}n alternative to marketed products could be offered to small farmers if they could produce their own biofertilizers using forest litters, which harbor one of the highest microbial diversities. {T}he aim of this study is to characterize microbial communities of {F}ermented {F}orest {L}itters ({FFL}), assuming that the fermentation process will change both their abundance and diversity. {W}e investigated two types of differing in the chemical composition of the initial litters used and the climatic context of the forest where they are originated from. {T}he abundance and diversity of bacterial and fungal communities were assessed using quantitative {PCR} and molecular genotyping techniques. {T}he litter chemical compositions were compared before and after fermentation using {I}nfrared spectrometry. {R}esults obtained showed that fermentation increased the abundance of bacteria but decreased that of fungi. {L}ow p{H} and change in organic matter composition observed after fermentation also significantly reduced the alpha-diversity of both bacterial and fungal communities. {T}he higher proportion of aliphatic molecules and lower {C}/{N} of the {FFL}s compared to initial litters indicate that {FFL}s should be rapidly decomposed once added into the soil. {T}his preliminary study suggests that the agronomic interest of {FFL}s used as biofertilizers is probably more related to the contribution of nutrients easily assimilated by plants than to the diversity of microorganisms that compose it. {F}urther studies must be conducted with sequencing techniques to identify precisely the microbial species likely to be beneficial to plant growth.}, keywords = {biofertilizers ; fermented forest litters ; microbial communities ; organic ; matter composition ; {FRANCE} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE} ; {ZONE} {TEMPEREE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icroorganisms}, volume = {11}, numero = {2}, pages = {306 [ 11 p.]}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.3390/microorganisms11020306}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087465}, }