@article{fdi:010087457, title = {{R}egulation of agronomic traits of bean by soil decomposer animals depends on cropping system and genotype}, author = {{W}ang, {P}. {L}. and {E}rktan, {A}mandine and {F}u, {L}. {B}. and {P}an, {Y}. {H}. and {S}un, {X}. and {C}ao, {W}. {D}. and {T}ang, {L}. and {S}cheu, {S}. and {W}ang, {Z}. {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}urpose {I}nteractions between plants and soil biota play an important role in maintaining the productivity and sustainability of agro-ecosystems, but mechanisms responsible for these interactions still are little understood. {W}e investigated the growth of different faba bean genotypes in response to soil decomposer animals in monoculture and mixed cropping system. {M}ethods {I}n a microcosms experiment, we tested the effects of cropping system (monoculture, mixture with wheat), genotypes ({S}-62, {S}-69) and soil decomposers (earthworms, collembolans) on agronomic traits of faba bean. {T}rait performance and organ biomass of faba bean were evaluated after 100 and 180 days. {R}esults {G}enotype {S}-62 performed better than {S}-69 for stem, leaf and flowering traits, but it was the opposite for bean biomass. {M}ixture with wheat reduced most agronomic traits values but not bean biomass for both genotypes. {S}oil decomposer animals only showed an impact on the {S}-69 genotype in mixture, with most agronomic traits reduced by 4.6% similar to 19.9% but bean biomass increased by 139.7%. {C}onclusions {T}he effect of soil decomposer animals on bean agronomic traits varied between bean genotypes and depended on cropping system. {E}ffects were most pronounced in the genotype allocating more resources to roots and the effects were stronger in mixed cropping systems with wheat. {T}he more pronounced effect of soil decomposer animals in mixed cropping systems was likely due to animals increasing the competitive strength of wheat, thereby suppressing a wide range of bean agronomic traits but not bean biomass.}, keywords = {{F}aba bean ; {W}heat ; {M}ixed cropping ; {E}arthworms ; {C}ollembolans}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant and {S}oil}, volume = {[{E}arly access]}, numero = {}, pages = {[13 ]}, ISSN = {0032-079{X}}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1007/s11104-023-05909-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087457}, }