@article{fdi:010087319, title = {{A} potential use for the {C}-band polarimetric {SAR} parameters to characterize the soil surface over bare agriculture fields}, author = {{B}aghdadi, {N}. and {C}resson, {R}. and {P}ottier, {E}. and {A}ubert, {M}. and {Z}ribi, {M}ehrez and {J}acome, {A}. and {B}enabdallah, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he objective of this study was to analyze the potential of the {C}-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar ({SAR}) parameters for the soil surface characterization of bare agricultural soils. {RADARSAT}-2 data and simulations using the integral equation model were analyzed to evaluate the polarimetric {SAR} parameters' sensitivities to the soil moisture and surface roughness. {T}he results showed that the polarimetric parameters in the {C}-band were not very relevant to the characterization of the soil surface over bare agricultural areas. {L}ow dynamics were often observed between the polarimetric parameters and both the soil moisture content and the soil surface roughness. {T}hese low dynamics do not allow for the accurate estimation of the soil parameters, but they could augment the standard inversion approaches to improve the estimation of these soil parameters. {T}he polarimetric parameter alpha(1) could be used to detect very moist soils (> 30%), while the anisotropy could be used to separate the smooth soils.}, keywords = {{B}are agricultural soils ; polarimetric {SAR} data ; {RADARSAT}-2 ; soil surface characteristics}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{IEEE} {T}ransactions on {G}eoscience and {R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {50}, numero = {10}, pages = {3844--3858}, ISSN = {0196-2892}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1109/tgrs.2012.2185934}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087319}, }