@article{fdi:010087021, title = {{M}odels and indicators for assessing conservation and fisheries-related effects of marine protected areas}, author = {{P}elletier, {D}. and {C}laudet, {J}. and {F}erraris, {J}ocelyne and {B}enedetti {C}ecchi, {L}. and {G}arcia {C}harton, {J}.{A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}wo kinds of approaches have been used for assessing conservation and fisheries-related effects of marine protected areas ({MPA}s): (i) statistical modelling based on field data and (ii) mathematical modelling quantifying the consequences of {MPA}s on the dynamics of populations, communities, and fisheries. {S}tatistical models provide a diagnostic on the impact of {MPA}s on the ecosystem and resources; they are also needed for devising and assessing sampling designs for monitoring programs. {D}ynamic models enable exploration of the consequences of {MPA} designs and other management policies. {W}e briefly review how each of these approaches has been implemented up to now in the literature and identify potential indicators of {MPA} effects that can be obtained from each approach to provide scientific advice for managers. {M}ethodological gaps that impede the assessment of {MPA} effects and the construction of appropriate indicators are then discussed, and recent developments in this respect are presented. {W}e finally propose ways to reconcile the two approaches based on their complementarity to derive suitable indicators to support decision making. {I}n this respect, we suggest in addition that {MPA} managers should be associated from the beginning to the design and construction of indicators.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}anadian {J}ournal of {F}isheries and {A}quatic {S}ciences}, volume = {65}, numero = {4}, pages = {765--779}, ISSN = {0706-652{X}}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1139/{F}08-026}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087021}, }