@inproceedings{fdi:010087003, title = {{P}revalence and incidence of sexually transmitted infections in a cohort of female sex workers in {S}an {P}edro, {C}{\^o}te d'{I}voire ({ANRS} 12381 {PRINCESSE} project) [poster]}, author = {{N}ouaman, {N}.{M}. and {C}offie, {P}.{A}. and {P}lazy, {M}. and {B}ecquet, {V}. and {A}goua, {A}. and {Z}{\'e}bago, {C}. and {D}ao, {H}. and {L}armarange, {J}oseph and {E}holie, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground : {T}he {ANRS} 12381 {PRINCESSE} study is an interventional single-arm cohort. {P}articipants recruitment started in {N}ovember 2019. {T}he study aimed to evaluate a comprehensive and community-based care offer among {FSW}s aged '¥ 18 years in the {S}an {P}edro area. {M}ethods : {C}are services included quarterly syndromic screening for {STI}s, as well as vaginal and anal swabs for the screening of chlamydia trachomatis ({CT}) and neisseria gonorrhoea ({NG}) by polymerase chain reaction ({PCR}) at {M}0, {M}12 and {M}24. {A}t the same visits, identification of dysplasias and precancerous lesions of the cervix was performed by visual inspection after applying acetic acid and {L}ugol's iodine. {STI}s were managed according to the national algorithm. {W}e describe (i) the characteristics of cervical lesions as well as the prevalence of {STI}s (syndromic and {PCR}) and associated symptoms and (ii) the incidence of syndromic {STI}s during follow-up. {R}esults : {I}n {N}ovember 2021, 372 {FSW}s were included. {T}he median age was 29 years, 34% had never been to school, 56% were {I}vorian, and the median duration of sex work was 2 years. {A}t inclusion, 4.7% [95% confidence interval: 2.8-7.5] had cervical lesions with 3.5% leukoplakia and 2.2% haemorrhagic cervical junction zone. {T}he prevalence of syndromic {STI}s was 17.2% [13.0-22.6]; associated clinical signs were vaginal discharge (13.7%), vaginal ulceration (2.1%), lower abdominal pain (4.3%) and cervical inflammation (2.6%). {T}he prevalence of anovaginal {CT} and {NG} were 8.7% [6.2- 12.1] and 10.4% [7.6- 13.9], respectively; clinical signs were found in 2.4% of {CT}-positive and 12.2% of {NG}-positive {FSW}s. {M}ost {FSW}s with syndromic {STI}s did not have {CT} or {NG} infection. {D}uring the follow-up, 82 cases of syndromic {STI}s were observed per 209 person-years, i.e. an incidence of 39.1% [31.1- 49.0]. {PCR} data at {M}12 and {M}24 are being consolidated and will allow estimating the incidence of {CT} and {NG}. {C}onclusions : {A} high prevalence and incidence of syndromic {STI}s were observed among {FSW}s, highlighting the importance and the interest of a regular follow-up. {T}he results also showed the predominantly asymptomatic nature of {STI}s discovered by {PCR} in this at-risk population and, therefore, the importance of coupling syndromic screening and {PCR} analyses.}, keywords = {{COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, numero = {}, pages = {1 multigr.}, booktitle = {}, year = {2022}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087003}, }