@article{fdi:010086938, title = {{D}atasets for the assessment of changes in the incidence, extents, and spatial patterns of inundations in the {C}ambodian {M}ekong {D}elta, based on a water level - flood link calculated from in-situ water levels, and {S}entinel-derived inundation maps}, author = {{O}rieschnig, {C}hristina and {V}enot, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {M}assuel, {S}ylvain and {E}ang, {K}. {E}. and {C}hhuon, {K}. and {L}un, {S}. and {S}iev, {S}. and {B}elaud, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his brief contains the data needed to calculate and assess the robustness of a water level - flood link ({WAFL}) in the {C}ambodian {M}ekong {D}elta, which was used to analyze changes in the long-term behavior of {M}onsoon inundations in the region. {T}he data comprises the {WAFL} raster (.tif) files for two zones in the delta. {Z}one {A} is located on the right bank of the {B}assac {R}iver, a distributary of the {M}ekong. {Z}one {B} is bracketed between the {M}ekong {R}iver and the {B}assac {R}iver. {T}he {WAFL} was calculated by linking water levels mea-sured by the {M}ekong {R}iver {C}ommission ({MRC}) at the hydrological station in {K}oh {K}hel, with inundation maps derived from {S}entinel-1 and-2 images taken between 2017 and 2021. {T}he final {WAFL} raster files provides a basis for estimating inundation extents using in-situ water levels. {F}urthermore, this brief includes data used for the assessment of {WAFL}, including in-situ water level data and the extents of natural vegetation in the case study area in 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020. {T}he former was collected using a differential pressure logger. {T}he latter was calculated from historical {L}andsat image composites. {F}inally, raster files representing the incidence and duration of inundations in the case study area before and after the year 2008 are provided. {T}hese were calculated based on the {WAFL} and the {MRC} water levels. {F}or each area, before- and after-images are available, as well as a raster representing the change between the two. {T}o simplify visualization and geographical location, shapefiles (.shp) of the study area and the location of the in-situ logger are also provided.}, keywords = {{M}ekong {D}elta ; {S}entinel-1 and 2 ; {W}ater levels ; {M}onsoon inundations ; {F}lood frequency ; {CAMBODGE} ; {MEKONG} {DELTA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}ata in {B}rief}, volume = {43}, numero = {}, pages = {108469 [7 p.]}, ISSN = {2352-3409}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.dib.2022.108469}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086938}, }