@article{fdi:010086781, title = {{H}ydrodynamic and hydrological processes within a variety of coral reeflagoons : field observations during six cyclonic seasons in {N}ew {C}aledonia}, author = {{B}ruyere, {O}. and {S}oulard, {B}. and {L}emonnier, {H}. and {L}augier, {T}. and {H}ubert, {M}. and {P}etton, {S}. and {D}esclaux, {T}. and {V}an {W}ynsberge, {S}. and {L}e {T}esson, {E}. and {L}ef{\`e}vre, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {D}umas, {F}. and {K}ayara, {J}. {F}. and {B}ourassin, {E}. and {L}alau, {N}. and {A}ntypas, {F}. and {L}e {G}endre, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}rom 2014 to 2021 during the cyclone seasons, extensive monitoring of the hydrodynamics within a variety of lagoons of {N}ew {C}aledonia was conducted as a part of the {PRESENCE} project ({PRES}sures on coral {E}cosystems of {N}ew {C}al{E}donia). {T}he {PRESENCE} project is aimed at building an efficient representation of the land-lagoon-ocean continuum at {G}rande {T}erre, {N}ew {C}aledonia's main island. {O}verall, coastal physical observations encompassed five different lagoons (four of which were never before monitored) and at least eight major atmospheric events ranging from tropical depressions to category 4 cyclones. {T}he main objectives of this study were to characterize the processes controlling the hydrodynamics and hydrology of these lagoons (e.g., ocean-lagoon exchanges, circulation, level dynamics, temperature, and salinity variability), and to capture the magnitude of change during extreme events. {A}n additional objective was to compile an adequate data set for future use in high-resolution hydrodynamic models. {A}utonomous oceanographic instruments were moored at strategic locations to collect time series of temperature, salinity, pressure, and {E}ulerian currents. {A}dditionally, {L}agrangian surface currents were observed through deploying drifter buoys, and cross-shore hydrological profile radials were carried out using {CTD}s (conductivity, temperature, depth). {I}n total, five survey campaigns were conducted, beginning with the {SPHYNX} campaign which lasted 15 months ({D}ecember 2014 to {F}ebruary 2016) in the {H}ienghene-{T}ouho lagoon and ended with the 9 months {NEMO} campaign ({S}eptember 2020 to {A}pril 2021) in {M}oindou lagoon. {B}etween these were the 5 months {NOUMEA} campaign ({D}ecember 2016 to {A}pril 2017) in {N}oumea lagoon, the 6 months {ELADE} campaign ({F}ebruary to {A}ugust 2018) in the {P}oe lagoon, and the 5 months {CADHYAK} campaign ({D}ecember 2019 to {M}ay 2020) in {K}oumac lagoon. {I}n addition to characterizing these lagoons, the data set identifies important features and processes, such as the presence of internal waves on forereefs, wave-driven fluxes over reef barriers, and exchanges through passes. {S}ignatures from strong events were also identified, including surges, thermal drops inside lagoons, and massive flash flood plume dispersion. {R}aw data sets were processed, controlled for quality, validated, and analyzed. {P}rocessed files are made publicly available in dedicated repositories on the {SEANOE} marine data platform in {N}et{CDF} format. {L}inks ({DOI}) of individual data sets are provided herein.}, keywords = {{NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth {S}ystem {S}cience {D}ata}, volume = {14}, numero = {12}, pages = {5439--5462}, ISSN = {1866-3508}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.5194/essd-14-5439-2022}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086781}, }