@article{fdi:010086724, title = {{P}lanktonic cnidarian responses to contrasting thermohaline and circulationseasonal scenarios in a tropical western boundary current system}, author = {{T}osetto, {E}. {G}. and {B}ertrand, {A}rnaud and {N}eumann-{L}eito, {S}. and {D}a {S}ilva, {A}. {C}. and {N}ogueira, {M}. {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n western boundary current systems ({WBCS}s), strong currents flow coastward carrying oceanic water masses and their associated planktonic fauna. {V}ariation in the intensity of these currents and in the continental runoff may affect the dynamic interplay between oceanic and coastal communities. {I}n addition, changes in the continental runoff and the thermohaline structure modulate the primary production, adding complexity to the dynamics of these oligotrophic systems. {T}hese dynamics likely shape the planktonic cnidarian communities. {T}o further understand such relationships, we used a comprehensive dataset encompassing samples collected above the shelf and slope and around oceanic seamounts and islands of the {F}ernando de {N}oronha {R}idge in the western tropical {S}outh {A}tlantic, in two seasons characterised by distinct thermohaline structure and circulation patterns. {R}esults show that in the tropical {S}outh {A}tlantic and, likely, other western boundary systems with narrow continental shelves, coastward currents spread oceanic waters and their associated cnidarian species over the continental shelf. {H}owever, while both coastal and oceanic communities co-occur when the continental runoff is notable, oceanic species dominate almost the entire shelf during the dry season characterised by a stronger boundary current intensity. {W}e also conclude that when the mixed-layer depth and associated nutricline are shallower, the enhanced primary productivity supports larger populations of planktonic cnidarian species through a bottom-up control.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE}, {BRESIL} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}cean {S}cience}, volume = {18}, numero = {6}, pages = {1763--1779}, ISSN = {1812-0784}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.5194/os-18-1763-2022}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086724}, }