@article{fdi:010086685, title = {{A}coustic seascape partitioning through functional data analysis}, author = {{A}riza, {A}. and {L}ebourges {D}haussy, {A}nne and {N}erini, {D}. and {P}authenet, {E}. and {R}oudaut, {G}ildas and {A}ssuncao, {R}. and {T}osetto, {E}. and {B}ertrand, {A}rnaud}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}im{W}ater column acoustic backscatter is regularly registered during oceanographic surveys, providing valuable information on the composition and distribution of pelagic life in the ocean. {W}e propose an objective approach based on functional data analysis to classify these acoustic seascapes into biogeographical regions. {L}ocation{T}ropical {S}outh {A}tlantic {O}cean off northeastern {B}razil. {T}axon{S}ound-scattering pelagic fauna detected with acoustic echosounders, principally small fish, crustaceans, squid and diverse gelatinous life-forms. {M}ethods{W}e use acoustic backscatter as a function of depth, simultaneously at three frequencies, to numerically describe the vertical distribution and composition of sound-scattering organisms in the water column. {T}his information is used to classify the acoustic seascape through functional principal component analysis. {T}he analysis routine is tested and illustrated with data collected at 38, 70 and 120 k{H}z in waters affected by contrasting environmental conditions. {R}esults{A}coustic seascape partitioning mirrored the distribution of current systems, fronts and taxonomically based regionalization. {T}he study area was divided between slope-boundary and open-ocean waters, and between spring and fall hydrological regimes. {M}ain {C}onclusions{T}he acoustic seascape consistency and the spatiotemporal coherence of the regions classified show that the method is efficient at identifying homogeneous and cohesive sound-scattering communities. {C}omparisons against hydrological and biological regionalization prove that the method is reliable at delineating distinct pelagic ecosystems in a cost-efficient and non-intrusive way.}, keywords = {biogeography ; echoregions ; {F}ernando de {N}oronha ; mesopelagic ; micronekton ; northeastern {B}razil ; sound-scattering layers ; soundscape ; {BRESIL} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {FERNANDO} {DE} {NORONHA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {B}iogeography}, volume = {[{E}arly access]}, numero = {}, pages = {[15 p.]}, ISSN = {0305-0270}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1111/jbi.14534}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086685}, }