@article{fdi:010086674, title = {{E}valuation of parameterisation approaches for estimating soil hydraulic parameters with {HYDRUS}-1{D} in the groundnut basin of {S}enegal}, author = {{D}iongue, {D}. {M}. {L}. and {R}oupsard, {O}. and {D}o, {F}. {C}. and {S}tumpp, {C}. and {O}range, {D}idier and {S}ow, {S}. and {J}ourdan, {C}. and {F}aye, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}oil hydraulic parameters ({SHP}s) required as inputs for numerical models are scarce in {S}ahelian regions. {I}nstead, they are estimated using pedotransfer functions ({PTF}s), but their ability to simulate soil water dynamics has not been evaluated. {T}his study aims to parameterize {SHP}s with seven different {PTF}s and inverse modelling to examine their ability to simulate water fluxes in {S}enegal's {G}roundnut basin. {W}e used four years of field measurements of soil water content ({SWC}) and actual evapotranspiration ({ET}a) under pearl millet and groundnut crop rotation for model evaluation. {I}nverse modelling for {SWC} (root mean square error [{RMSE}] <= 0.015 cm(3) cm(-3)) and {ET}a ({RMSE} <= 0.62 mm d(-1)) yielded the best model performance compared to {PTF}s (0.024-0.175 cm(3) cm(-3) and 0.68-0.96 mm d(-1), respectively). {W}here field measurements are lacking for inverse estimation, three of the seven tested {PTF}s yielded good modelling results and could be used as a parsimonious approach for cultivated {S}ahelian soils.}, keywords = {soil hydraulic parameters ; soil moisture ; evapotranspiration ; {HYDRUS}-1{D} ; loamy sand soil ; {S}ahelian cropping system ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrological {S}ciences {J}ournal}, volume = {67}, numero = {15}, pages = {2327--2343}, ISSN = {0262-6667}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1080/02626667.2022.2142474}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086674}, }