@inproceedings{fdi:010086647, title = {{D}elays to {P}r{EP} initiation among female sex workers in {C}{\^o}te d'{I}voire ({ANRS} 12381 {PRINCESSE} project) [poster]}, author = {{P}lazy, {M}. and {N}ouaman, {M}. and {B}ecquet, {V}. and {A}goua, {A}. and {Z}ebago, {C}. and {D}ao, {H}. and {C}offie, {P}.{A}. and {E}holie, {S}. and {L}armarange, {J}oseph}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground : {T}o describe the delays to initiation of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis ({P}r{EP}) among female sex workers ({FSW}) in {C}{\^o}te d'{I}voire. {M}ethods : {T}he {ANRS} 12381 {PRINCESSE} project is a single-arm interventional cohort aiming to evaluate the implementation of a comprehensive and community-based care offer among {FSW} aged sup. or eg.18 years in the {S}an {P}edro region since end-2019, through a mobile clinic operating on 10 prostitution sites (visited every two weeks). {P}r{EP} is offered to all {HIV}-positive {FSW} after verifying the creatinine level (results valid for one month). {W}e described the time between {FSW}'s interest for {P}r{EP} and {P}r{EP} initiation (or end of follow-up) among {HIV}- and hepatitis {B} virus-negative ({HB}s{A}g-) {FSW} included until end-{O}ctober 2021. {T}he probability of {P}r{EP} initiation since {P}r{EP} interest is described through a {K}aplan-{M}eier curve censored on end-{N}ovember 2021 (an analysis censored at the date of the last visit was also conducted). {R}esults : {O}f the 362 {FSW} included in the {PRINCESSE} cohort, 302 were {HIV}-/{A}g{HB}s-, and for 296 of them, {P}r{EP} was presented by medical staff (95.2% at inclusion). {I}n total, 292 {FSW} expressed {P}r{EP} interest, and 192 (65.8%) initiated {P}r{EP}: 18 on the same day (the biological test having been performed during a previous visit), 148 during the next visit (median time since interest: 3 weeks [{I}nter-{Q}uartile {R}ange: 2-6]) and 26 during a subsequent visit (median time: 20 weeks [9-36]). {T}he probability of {P}r{EP} initiation after {P}r{EP} interest was 39.0% at 1 month and 56.6% at 3 months (censoring on the date of the last visit, these proportions were 50.7% and 74.6%, respectively). {A}mong the 100 {FSW} who did not initiate {P}r{EP} despite expressing interest, 68 were never seen again in the project; 4 declared that they were no longer interested in {P}r{EP} (median time since interest: 12 weeks [10-19]), 1 was tested {HIV}+ (delay of 2 weeks), and 27 were seen >1 month later (their biological tests were no longer valid). {C}onclusions : {D}espite strong {P}r{EP} interest among {FSW}, {P}r{EP} initiation remained suboptimal. {B}arriers to {P}r{EP} initiation should be more explored and considered to find appropriate solutions to make {P}r{EP} effective among this specific key population.}, keywords = {{COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, numero = {}, pages = {1 multigr.}, booktitle = {}, year = {2022}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086647}, }