@article{fdi:010086487, title = {{C}ontribution of {S}entinel-3{A} radar altimetry data to the study of the water level variations in {L}ake {B}uyo ({W}est of {C}ote d'{I}voire)}, author = {{O}ulare, {S}. and {S}okeng, {V}. {C}. {J}. and {K}ouame, {K}. {F}. and {K}omenan, {C}. {A}. {K}. and {D}anumah, {J}. {H}. and {M}ertens, {B}eno{\^i}t and {A}kpa, {Y}. {L}. and {C}atry, {T}hibault and {P}illot, {B}enjamin}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he artificial {L}ake {B}uyo is an important water reservoir that ensures the availability of water for multiple purposes: drinking water supply, fishing, and energy. {I}n the last five years, this lake has experienced extreme variations in its surface area and water levels, including very significant declines, which has impacted the supply of electricity. {T}his study aimed to assess temporal variations in the water levels of {L}ake {B}uyo using radar altimetry. {A}ltimetric data from the {S}entinel-3{A} satellite on {L}ake {B}uyo (tracks 16 (orbit 8) and 743 (orbit 372)) were selected over the period from 31 {M}ay 2016 to 12 {J}une 2021 and compared to the in situ measurements provided by the {D}irection de la {P}roduction de l'{E}lectricite de {C}ote d'{I}voire ({DPE}-{CI}). {T}he extraction of the time series of the {S}entinel-3{A} altimetric water levels and their corrections (geophysical and environmental corrections) were carried out with the {ALT}i{S} software. {T}he results showed an overall agreement between the altimetric water levels and the in situ measurements, with a correlation coefficient ({R}-2) ranging from 0.98 to 0.99 obtained, as well as a {N}ash-{S}utcliffe {E}fficiency ({NSE}) coefficient also between 0.98 and 0.99. {F}urther, the bias (0.12 m and 0.13 m) and root mean square error ({RMSE}) (0.38 and 0.67 m) values showed that the results were acceptable. {T}he analysis of the water levels time series allowed for the identification of two main periods: {M}arch to {O}ctober and {N}ovember to {F}ebruary. {T}he first period corresponded to a high level period, recording a maximum level of 200.06 m. {T}he second period, from {N}ovember to {M}arch, was characterized by a drop in the water level, recording a minimum level of 187.42 m. {T}he water levels time series provided by {S}entinel-3 allowed us to appreciate the respective influences of seasonal and interannual variations on rainfall and the contributions of the {S}assandra {R}iver tributaries to the water levels of {L}ake {B}uyo.}, keywords = {{S}entinel-3{A} ; time series ; seasonal variations ; {L}ake {B}uyo ; {C}ote d'{I}voire ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {14}, numero = {21}, pages = {5602 [14 ]}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.3390/rs14215602}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086487}, }