@article{fdi:010086480, title = {{MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} identification of dromedary camel ticks and detection of associated microorganisms, {S}outhern {A}lgeria}, author = {{H}amlili, {F}. {Z}. and {L}aroche, {M}. and {D}iarra, {A}dama {Z}an and {L}afri, {I}. and {G}assen, {B}. and {B}outefna, {B}. and {D}avoust, {B}. and {B}itam, {I}. and {P}arola, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study used {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} and molecular tools to identify tick species infesting camels from {T}amanrasset in southern {A}lgeria and to investigate their associated microorganisms. {N}inety-one adult ticks were collected from nine camels and were morphologically identified as {H}yalomma spp., {H}yalomma dromedarii, {H}yalomma excavatum, {H}yalomma impeltatum and {H}yalomma anatolicum. {N}ext, the legs of all ticks were subjected to {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS}, and 88/91 specimens provided good-quality {MS} spectra. {O}ur homemade {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} arthropod spectra database was then updated with the new {MS} spectra of 14 specimens of molecularly confirmed species in this study. {T}he spectra of the remaining tick specimens not included in the {MS} database were queried against the upgraded database. {A}ll 74 specimens were correctly identified by {MALDI}-{TOF} {MS}, with logarithmic score values ranging from 1.701 to 2.507, with median and mean values of 2.199 and 2.172 +/- 0.169, respectively. {O}ne {H}. impeltatum and one {H}. dromedarii (2/91; 2.20%) tested positive by q{PCR} for {C}oxiella burnetii, the agent of {Q} fever. {W}e also report the first detection of an {A}naplasma sp. close to {A}. platys in {H}. dromedarii in {A}lgeria and a potentially new {E}hrlichia sp. in {H}. impeltatum.}, keywords = {{MALDI}-{TOF} {MS} ; ticks ; {H}yalomma ; camels ; {A}naplasma platys ; {C}oxiella burnetii ; {A}lgeria ; {ALGERIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icroorganisms}, volume = {10}, numero = {11}, pages = {2178 [16 ]}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.3390/microorganisms10112178}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086480}, }