@article{fdi:010086432, title = {{P}roteome dataset of {H}emileia vastatrix by {LC}-{MS}/{MS} label-free identification}, author = {{C}ury, {N}. {F}. and {R}ibeiro, {D}. {G}. and de {L}ima, {J}. {D}. and {M}endes, {P}. {D}. and {F}ernandez, {D}iana and {F}ontes, {W}. and {C}astro, {M}. {S}. and {S}ousa, {M}. {V}. and {M}artins, {N}. {F}. and {M}ehta, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}ere we describe the proteome of the fungus {H}emileia vas-tatrix by label free mass spectrometry ({LC}-{MS}/{MS}). {H}. vas-tatrix is the causal agent of coffee rust disease, causing great economic losses in this crop. {T}he objective of our work was to identify {H}. vastatrix proteins potentially in-volved in host colonization and infection, by exploring the shotgun proteomics approach. {A} total of 742 proteins were identified and are associated with several crucial molecu-lar functions, biological processes, and cellular components. {T}he proteins identified contribute to a better understand-ing of the metabolism of the fungus and may help identify target proteins for the development of specific drugs in or-der to control coffee rust disease. {A}ll data can be accessed at the {C}entre for {C}omputational {M}ass {S}pectrometry - {M}as-s{IVE} {MSV}0 0 0 087665 -https://massive.ucsd.edu/{P}roteo{SAF}e/ dataset.jsp?task=cc71ad75f767451abe72dd1ce0019387}, keywords = {{H}emileia vastatrix ; {C}offee rust ; {P}roteome ; {LC}-{MS} ; {MS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}ata in {B}rief}, volume = {43}, numero = {}, pages = {[6 ]}, ISSN = {2352-3409}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.dib.2022.108433}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086432}, }