@article{fdi:010086401, title = {{L}ead exposure in infancy and subsequent growth in {B}eninese children}, author = {{A}hmadi, {S}. and {B}otton, {J}. and {Z}oumenou, {R}. and {A}yotte, {P}. and {F}ievet, {N}adine and {M}assougbodji, {A}. and {A}lao, {M}. {J}. and {C}ot, {M}ichel and {G}lorennec, {P}. and {B}odeau-{L}ivinec, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}tudies suggest that elevated postnatal blood lead levels ({BLL}s) are negatively associated with child growth. {T}his study aimed to investigate the associations of childhood {BLL}s at age one year and growth outcomes at age six years (n = 661) in a cohort of children in {A}llada, {B}enin. {T}he growth outcomes studied are weight-for-age {Z}-score ({WAZ}), height-for-age {Z}-score ({HAZ}), {BMI}-for-age {Z}-score ({BMIZ}), weight-for-height {Z}-score ({WHZ}), head circumference ({HC}), growth velocities, underweight, stunting, and wasting. {M}ultivariable regression models examined the associations between {BLL}s and growth outcomes, with adjustment for potential confounders. {T}he geometric mean {BLL}s was 59.3 mu g/{L} and 82% of children had {BLL}s >35 mu g/{L} at the age of 12.8 months. {A}fter adjusting for confounding factors, no overall association was found between {BLL} quartiles and {HAZ}, {WAZ}, {BMIZ}, {WHZ}, growth velocities, wasting, and underweight. {H}owever, boys in the highest quartile had a 1.02 cm lower {HC} (95% {CI}: [-1.81, -0.24]) as compared to the lowest quartile. {F}urthermore, an increased odds of being stunted was observed in children in the highest quartile of exposure compared to the first ({OR}: 2.43; 95% {CI}: [1.11-5.33]) which remained statistically significant only among girls in sex-specific strata. {B}lood lead was found to be associated with an increased risk of childhood stunting and a lower head circumference in a resource-limited setting.}, keywords = {heavy metals ; lead exposure ; growth outcomes ; cohort study ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}oxics}, volume = {10}, numero = {10}, pages = {595 [13 ]}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.3390/toxics10100595}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086401}, }