@article{fdi:010086395, title = {{P}laniliza lauvergnii ({E}ydoux & {S}ouleyet, 1850), a senior synonym of {P}laniliza affinis ({G}unther, 1861) with a re-evaluation of keeled back mullets ({M}ugiliformes: {M}ugilidae)}, author = {{H}asan, {M}. {E}. and {H}asan, {A}. and {B}earez, {P}. and {S}hen, {K}. {N}. and {C}hang, {C}. {W}. and {T}ran, {T}. {T}. {V}. and {G}olani, {D}. and {A}l-saboonchi, {A}. and {S}iddiqui, {P}. {J}. {A}. and {D}urand, {J}ean-{D}ominique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he taxonomic status of the keeled back mullets ({T}eleostei: {M}ugilidae) has been reinvestigated. {T}wo nominal mugilid species having keeled backs from {E}ast {A}sia: {M}ugil lauvergnii {E}ydoux & {S}ouleyet, 1850 and {M}ugil affinis {G}unther, 1861 have been re-evaluated through examination of the holotypes and fresh specimens. {C}omparison of morpho-meristic characters of the holotypes shows that both species are identical. {P}hylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 ({CO}1) confirmed morphological data by highlighting presence of a single clade from {E}ast {A}sia. {M}ugil lauvergnii (={P}laniliza lauvergnii) is thus the sole keeled back mullet from {E}ast {A}sia and a senior synonym of {M}ugil affinis (={P}laniliza affinis). {T}he taxonomic status of two other keeled back mullets, {P}laniliza carinata and {P}. klunzingeri, is also contentious due to their similar morphology. {M}eristic and morphometric variation as well as sequence divergence between the two species are limited but phylogenetic analyses delineate well-supported clades consistent with biogeography and currently accepted taxonomy. {P}laniliza carinata and {P}. klunzingeri share a recent common ancestor in a {M}aximum {L}ikelihood tree, with separate distribution ranges while {P}. lauvergnii formed a paraphyletic lineage. {B}ased on present findings, we suggest maintenance of the taxonomic distinction of {P}. klunzingeri and {P}. carinata and discuss its evolutionary significance.}, keywords = {{COI} sequencing ; {R}ed {S}ea ; {P}ersian {G}ulf ; {A}rabian {S}ea ; {M}editerranean {S}ea ; {GOLFE} {PERSIQUE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {MER} {ROUGE} ; {ARABIE} {MER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}ootaxa}, volume = {5194}, numero = {4}, pages = {497--518}, ISSN = {1175-5326}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.11646/zootaxa.5194.4.2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086395}, }