@article{fdi:010086393, title = {{F}ire regime analysis in {L}ebanon (2001-2020) : combining remote sensing data in a scarcely documented area}, author = {{M}ajdalani, {G}. and {K}outsias, {N}. and {F}aour, {G}. and {A}djizian-{G}erard, {J}. and {M}ouillot, {F}lorent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ire is a recurrent disturbance in {M}editerranean ecosystems. {D}ata assemblage from forest fire services can provide useful information for understanding climate controls on daily fire hazard or long term trends. {L}ocated at the driest range of the {M}editerranean bioclimate, and with contrasting socio-political systems compared to the {E}uropean area, the southern {M}editerranean ecosystems are subjected to more extreme climate and social events. {T}his could potentially lead to unique fire regimes and trends worth being characterized for prevention plans and ecosystem management. {H}owever, the region is far less documented, due to missing or inhomogeneous fire records, leaving local authorities with no management strategies when large fires happen. {W}e filled this knowledge gap for {L}ebanon by combining high spatial resolution {L}andsat data with high temporal resolution {VIIRS} ({S}-{NPP} and {NOAA}-20) and {MODIS} ({MCD}14{ML}) hotspots to characterize the seasonal and interannual fire regime over the 2001-2020 period. {N}umerous small fires were hardly detected by global remote sensing. {W}e estimated that 2044 ha burn annually, representing 0.58% of the wildland cover, with no significant trend over the period, but with non climate-related fires detected during the year experiencing socio-political troubles. {T}he spatial and temporal resolution of this dataset identified a particular prolonged fire season up to {N}ovember, and an unusual bimodal fire season peaking in {J}uly and {N}ovember. {W}e related these features to the prolonged autumnal soil drought and high {A}ugust air humidity in the region. {T}his updated fire regime in {L}ebanon illustrates the benefits of this combined approach for data-scarce regions and provides new insights on the variability of fire weather types in the {M}editerranean basin.}, keywords = {fire ; remote sensing ; {L}andsat ; {MODIS} ; {M}editerranean basin ; {L}ebanon ; {LIBAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ire}, volume = {5}, numero = {5}, pages = {141 [22 p.]}, ISSN = {2571-6255}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.3390/fire5050141}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086393}, }