@article{fdi:010086325, title = {{F}raming the future of the {K}oronivia {J}oint {W}ork on {A}griculture from science-based evidence : a review}, author = {{R}amifehiarivo, {N}andrianina and {C}hevallier, {T}iphaine and {D}efrance, {D}imitri and {B}rossard, {M}ichel and {C}hotte, {J}ean-{L}uc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {K}oronivia {J}oint {W}ork on {A}griculture ({KJWA}) and the {S}ustainable {D}evelopment {G}oals ({SDG}) have brought agriculture onto the agenda of solutions to tackle climate change and sustainable development. {T}he first {KJWA} roadmap came to an end in 2020. {T}he conclusions will be reported at the {UNFCCC} {COP} 27 in 2022. {S}everal options for the future of {KJWA} are on the table. {W}e review the literature to take stock of the contribution of science to the first {KJWA} period and discuss on how research could help to strengthen the case for keeping up the work of {KJWA}. {T}his paper reviews 175 peer-reviewed publications on technical (agricultural practices), socioeconomic, and policy actions or innovations that support and strengthen the role of sustainable agriculture on the global development agenda. {T}he considerable diversity of science-based actions and innovations presented in the agricultural sector should contribute to the success of {KJWA} in putting agriculture on the climate agenda. {I}n addition to the climate agenda, the review highlights the multi-functionality of sustainable agriculture which targets food security issues, of course, but also the 17 {SDG}s. {O}ur review shows that {KJWA} has been extensively documented in the scientific literature on agricultural practices, the socioeconomic dimensions, and policies supporting actions. {N}evertheless, research has to make special efforts (i) to set up methods that allow data comparisons and collections, and at the same time (ii) to tackle synergies and trade-offs in the achievement of the {SGD}s. {T}he nexus approach could also provide a framework for the future of the {KJWA} process. {T}he science-based evidence should continue to pave the way for the future {KJWA} to become an actionable structure within the {UNFCCC} arena. {E}choing the previous assessment, the {KJWA} process should keep all stakeholders on board, including researchers.}, keywords = {{UNFCCC} ; {C}limate change ; {F}ood security ; {S}ustainable {D}evelopment {G}oals ; {M}ultifunctionality ; {N}exus approach}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gronomy for {S}ustainable {D}evelopment}, volume = {42}, numero = {5}, pages = {102 [23 ]}, ISSN = {1774-0746}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1007/s13593-022-00835-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086325}, }