@article{fdi:010086296, title = {{R}outine programmatic data show a positive population-level impact of {HIV} self-testing : the case of {C}ote d'{I}voire and implications for implementation}, author = {{F}otso, {A}. {S}. and {J}ohnson, {C}. and {V}autier, {A}. and {K}ouame, {K}. {B}. and {D}iop, {P}. {M}. and {S}ilhol, {R}. and {M}aheu-{G}iroux, {M}. and {B}oily, {M}. {C}. and {R}ouveau, {N}icolas and {D}oumenc-{A}idara, {C}. and {B}aggaley, {R}. and {E}hui, {E}. and {L}armarange, {J}oseph}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjectives: {W}e estimate the effects of {ATLAS}'s {HIV} self-testing ({HIVST}) kit distribution on conventional {HIV} testing, diagnoses, and antiretroviral treatment ({ART}) initiations in {C}ote d'{I}voire. {D}esign: {E}cological study using routinely collected {HIV} testing services program data. {M}ethods: {W}e used the {ATLAS}'s programmatic data recorded between the third quarter of 2019 and the first quarter of 2021, in addition to data from the {P}resident's {E}mergency {P}lan for {AIDS} {R}elief dashboard. {W}e performed ecological time series regression using linear mixed models. {R}esults are presented per 1000 {HIVST} kits distributed through {ATLAS}. {R}esults: {W}e found a negative but nonsignificant effect of the number of {ATLAS}' distributed {HIVST} kits on conventional testing uptake (-190 conventional tests; 95% confidence interval [{CI}]: -427 to 37). {T}he relationship between the number of {HIVST} kits and {HIV} diagnoses was significant and positive (+8 diagnosis; 95% {CI}: 0 to 15). {N}o effect was observed on {ART} initiation (-2 {ART} initiations; 95% {CI}: -8 to 5). {C}onclusions: {ATLAS}' {HIVST} kit distribution had a positive impact on {HIV} diagnoses. {D}espite the negative signal on conventional testing, even if only 20% of distributed kits are used, {HIVST} would increase access to testing. {T}he methodology used in this paper offers a promising way to leverage routinely collected programmatic data to estimate the effects of {HIVST} kit distribution in real-world programs.}, keywords = {antiretroviral treatment ; diagnosis ; female sex workers ; {HIV} ; self-testing ; implementation ; key populations ; men who have sex with men ; testing ; triangulation of programmatic data ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}ids}, volume = {36}, numero = {13}, pages = {1871--1879}, ISSN = {0269-9370}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1097/qad.0000000000003328}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086296}, }