@book{fdi:010086274, title = {{C}risis and development : the lake {C}had region and {B}oko {H}aram}, author = {{M}agrin, {G}. and {P}{\'e}rouse de {M}ontclos, {M}arc-{A}ntoine and {S}eignobos, {C}hristain and {G}luski, {P}auline}, editor = {{M}agrin, {G}. and {P}{\'e}rouse de {M}ontclos, {M}arc-{A}ntoine}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}rom 2009, insecurity linked to the insurgency of the {B}oko {H}aram group and its repression spreads from the heart of {N}igerian {B}orno to the north-east of the country and then to the border areas of neighboring countries, {C}ameroon, {N}iger and {C}had. {T}he crisis has progressively affected the entire region of {L}ake {C}had, one of the great cross-border areas of {S}ahelian {A}frica, at the crossroads of {A}frica savannahs and desert, of {W}est {A}frica and {C}entral {A}frica. {T}his study is the first to address the {B}oko {H}aram crisis from a perspective transcending the political and linguistic boundaries between {E}nglish-speaking {N}igeria and the three {F}rench- speaking countries bordering {L}ake {C}had. {C}arried out by a multidisciplinary team of seventeen {F}rench, {B}ritish, {C}ameroonian, {N}igerien, {N}igerian and {C}hadian researchers, it considers the {L}ake {C}had region as a system. {I}ts components and their environmental, economic and political interactions are grasped from a diachronic perspective before, during and after the peak of violence. {T}he analysis leads to a prospective reflection considering the next 20 years. {B}ased on the observation that the crisis has shaken the relationship system that made the {L}ake {C}had region resilient, this reference study aims to shed light on the crucial choices that will define its future development trajectory.}, keywords = {{TERRORISME} ; {SECTE} ; {SYSTEME} {POLITIQUE} ; {ARMEE} ; {GUERRE} ; {RELIGION} ; {POUVOIR} {EXECUTIF} ; {PARTI} {POLITIQUE} ; {ISLAM} ; {MOUVEMENT} {ISLAMIQUE} ; {LUTTE} {ANTITERRORISTE} ; {SECTE} {BOKO} {HARAM} ; {TCHAD} {LAC} ; {NIGERIA} ; {CAMEROUN} ; {NIGER} ; {TCHAD}}, address = {{P}aris}, publisher = {{AFD}}, series = {}, pages = {267}, year = {2018}, ISBN = {978-2-37902-009-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086274}, }