@article{fdi:010086261, title = {{B}ioclimate influence on seed germination and seedling morphology parameters in {P}terocarpus erinaceus {P}oir., 1804 ({F}abaceae)}, author = {{A}dji, {B}.{I}. and {A}kaffou, {D}.{S}. and {K}ouassi, {K}.{H}. and {H}ouphouet, {Y}.{P}. and {D}uminil, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {S}abatier, {S}.{A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}terocarpus erinaceus is over-exploited for its multiple uses. {I}ts exploitation and trade are strictly prohibited in many countries, including {C}{\^o}te d'{I}voire, to prevent its extinction. {I}t is nevertheless imperative to restore populations of this species, while accounting for its germinative capacities and its adaptation to changing climates. {T}he aim of this study was to assess the seed germination and seedling development in {P}terocarpus erinaceus in three different environments. {A} total of 2,160 seeds from different seed trees and 540 individuals germinated from seeds were selected and evaluated. {T}he trials were conducted at three sites with distinct microclimates (two nurseries in {C}{\^o}te d'{I}voire and one greenhouse in {F}rance). {T}he results showed that the environment had a significant influence on germination parameters ({P} < 0.05), whereas the seed trees did not ({P} > 0.05). {T}he environment influenced the height and internodes length of the seedlings ({P} < 0.05). {H}owever, the diameter, number of leaves, and the length and width of the leaves of the seedlings were statistically identical from one site to another ({P} > 0.05). {S}eed trees influenced the number and length of seedlings leaves ({P}<0.05). {PCA} showed that the seedlings developed better in the {M}ontpellier greenhouse and at the {D}aloa site than {K}orhogo site. {T}his information could guide the choice of ideal environments for the implementation of reforestation or agroforestry programs based on {P}terocarpus erinaceus in the current context of climate change from a nursery. {T}his study could be extended to other species in order to regenerate important species in disturbed ecosystems.}, keywords = {{COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE} ; {DALOA} ; {KORHOGO} ; {FRANCE} ; {MONTPELLIER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {E}nvironment, {A}griculture and {B}iotechnology}, volume = {6}, numero = {3}, pages = {1--15}, ISSN = {2456-1878}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.22161/ijeab}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086261}, }