@article{fdi:010086120, title = {{A} common framework for developing robust soil fauna classifications}, author = {{H}edde, {M}. and {B}light, {O}. and {B}riones, {M}. {J}. {I}. and {B}onfanti, {J}. and {B}rauman, {A}lain and {B}rondani, {M}argot and {S}anou, {I}. {C}. and {C}lause, {J}. and {C}onti, {E}. and {C}ortet, {J}. and {D}ecaens, {T}. and {E}rktan, {A}mandine and {G}erard, {S}. and {G}oulpeau, {A}. and {I}annelli, {M}. and {J}oimel-{B}oulanger, {S}. and {J}ouquet, {P}ascal and {L}e {G}uillarme, {N}. and {M}arsden, {C}. and {A}lmoyna, {C}. {M}. and {M}ulder, {C}. and {P}errin, {W}. and {P}etillon, {J}. and {P}ey, {B}. and {P}otapov, {A}. {M}. and {S}i-moussi, {S}. and {T}huiller, {W}. and {T}rap, {J}ean and {V}ergnes, {A}. and {Z}aitsev, {A}. and {C}apowiez, {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}lassifying organisms has a wide use and a long history in ecology. {H}owever, the meaning of a 'group of organisms' and how to group organisms is still the subject of much theoretical and empirical work. {A}chieving this long quest requires simplifying the complexity of species niches for which relevant morphological, behavioural, biochemical or life-history traits are often used as relevant proxies. {S}oil fauna is highly diverse and many classifications have been proposed to synthesize both the response of soil organisms to their environment and their effect on soil functioning. {H}ere, we provide a critical overview of the characteristics and limitations of the existing classifications in soil ecology, and propose clarifications and alternatives to current practices. {W}e summarise the similarities and differences in how classifications have been created and used in soil ecology. {W}e propose a harmonization of the current concepts by properly defining 'guilds', 'functional groups' and 'trophic groups' as subcategories of 'ecological groups', with different purposes and distinguishing criteria. {F}inally, based on these concepts, we suggest a common framework to define classifications based on functional traits that allows a better and unified understanding of changes in soil biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.}, keywords = {{G}uilds ; {F}unctional groups ; {E}cological groups ; {T}rait -based approach ; {S}oil invertebrates}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eoderma}, volume = {426}, numero = {}, pages = {116073 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {0016-7061}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116073}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086120}, }