@article{fdi:010086119, title = {{T}errestrial or oceanic forcing ? {W}ater level variations in coastal lagoons constrained by river inflow and ocean tides}, author = {{M}orel, {Y}. and {C}haigneau, {A}lexis and {O}kpeitcha, {V}. {O}. and {S}tieglitz, {T}homas and {A}ssogba, {A}. and {D}uhaut, {T}. and {R}etif, {F}. and {P}eugeot, {C}hristophe and {S}ohou, {Z}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he study concerns the water level ({WL}) evolution in lagoons under the influence of tides and river fluxes. {W}e derive new approximate analytical solutions of the {S}tigebrandt (1980) equations and apply them to the {N}okoue {L}agoon ({B}enin), a large tropical coastal lagoon fed by substantial river input. {W}e show the solutions accurately predict the mean {WL} and tide amplitude. {I}n particular the nonlinear combination of the spring-neap tidal cycle and river inflow gives rise to a strong fortnightly variation of the mean {WL}. {T}he analytical solutions are used to explain this phenomenon. {W}e also calculate the phase shift between the ocean and the lagoon tides and the asymmetry of the ebb and flood tide duration in the lagoon. {T}he asymmetry first increases with the river flux but reduces above a critical flux before becoming symmetric again at river flood peaks. {F}inally, the analytical solutions are inverted to estimate the net river fluxes entering the {N}okoue {L}agoon, where no observations are available for rivers but for which we have high frequency observations of the lagoon water level for 2 years. {T}he model is calibrated using few available flux observations in the channel connecting the lagoon to the ocean. {R}ealistic river fluxes are estimated. {W}e subsequently calculate the lagoon {WL} variations using the simplified model forced with the recalculated river fluxes and tidal forcing from an ocean tide model. {T}he solution accurately represents the observations over the 2 year time period of the study. {W}e conclude that this simple model is able to represent the complex interaction of tides and river fluxes, and its influence on the low frequency {WL} variations of coastal lagoons.}, keywords = {{L}agoon ; {W}ater level ; {T}ide ; {R}iver flux ; {BENIN} ; {NOKOUE} {LAC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}dvances in {W}ater {R}esources}, volume = {169}, numero = {}, pages = {104309 [14 p.]}, ISSN = {0309-1708}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.advwatres.2022.104309}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086119}, }