@article{fdi:010085997, title = {{T}he sediment routing systems of {N}orthern {S}outh {A}merica since 250 {M}a}, author = {{B}ajolet, {F}. and {C}hardon, {D}ominique and {R}ouby, {D}. and {D}all'{A}sta, {M}. and {L}oparev, {A}. and {C}oueffe, {R}. and {R}oig, {J}. {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he present study is a contribution to the understanding of continental-scale source-to-sink sedimentary systems over geological time scales. {T}he northern half of {S}outh {A}merica is taken as a case study to explore the relations between (i) continental tectonic boundary conditions (active / passive margin, orogenic activity) and intra-continental deformation, (ii) the spatial distribution of clastic sediment sources and sinks over the continent and its margins and (iii) the configuration of the main sediment routes. {T}o do that, the evolving surface configuration of northern {S}outh {A}merica is investigated through a series of 10 paleo-geological maps compiled for key periods of the {M}eso-{C}enozoic. {T}he maps display (i) sedimentation areas and their depositional environments, (ii) sedi-ment transport routes based on paleocurrent measurements and provenance studies, (iii) magmatic occurrences, (iv) active faults, (v) denudation/burial histories deduced from low-temperature thermochronology studies and (vi) areas of extensive {C}enozoic lateritic cover. {T}hree main successive continental-scale regimes of the source-to-sink systems are documented. {A}n early erosional regime until ca. 125 {M}a is attested to by a major sedimentary hiatus over a long-lasting asthenosphere-supported eroding superswell at the scale of northern {S}outh {A}merica and northwestern {A}frica. {S}ediments were routed from the superswell to the proto-{A}ndean marginal basins, the {C}entral {A}tlantic rifts/rifted margin basins and the {S}aharan cratonic basin. {A}fter ca. 125 {M}a, a cratonic regime of mixed erosion/deposition established and maintained until the onset of the {A}ndean orogeny at ca. 85 {M}a. {D}uring this period, sediment routes from eroding cratonic domains to the proto-{A}ndean margin basins were episodically closed by inherited {P}aleozoic structures (i.e., ???arches???), whilst sediment fluxes to cratonic or rifted margin basins were partitioned by {A}tlantic rift shoulders / marginal upwarps of evolving amplitude that formed transient continental divides. {A}fter ca. 85 {M}a, an {A}ndes-dominated regime installed, in which {A}ndean retro-foreland basins became the main sinks for orogenic sediment fluxes, while exchanges with cratonic basins were controlled by the topographic expression of foreland basins forebulges. {U}nder that regime, cratonic domains mainly acted as by-pass zones for clastic sediments, and their extensive {P}aleogene and {L}ower {N}eogene lateritic covers argue for limited clastic exports from areas exposed to erosion. {V}ery-long wavelength (x 1000 km) asthenospheric support, long-wavelength (x 100 km) lithospheric-scale deformation / vertical movements and climate-controlled erosion processes interacted to regulate cratonic sediment source-to-sink regimes of northern {S}outh {A}merica since 250 {M}a.}, keywords = {{S}ource-to-sink ; {P}aleogeography ; {A}ndes ; {A}tlantic rifted margin ; {I}ntracratonic basin ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {SUD} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth-{S}cience {R}eviews}, volume = {232}, numero = {}, pages = {104139 [24 ]}, ISSN = {0012-8252}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104139}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085997}, }