@article{fdi:010085548, title = {{T}he marine avifauna of {M}atthew and {H}unter {I}slands, two remote volcanoes of the {N}ew {H}ebrides chain}, author = {{B}orsa, {P}hilippe and {B}audat-{F}ranceshi, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}reeding birds recorded on {M}atthew and {H}unter {I}slands in the tropical southwestern {P}acific between 1973 and 2018 are summarised from a compilation of reports, for which various methods were used for counting seabirds. {T}hese methods included line transects, or direct observations using telescope or binoculars, or exhaustive counts, depending on the species observed and its nesting habitat. {P}opulation size estimates and reproductive periods are given. {T}he total number of seabird species recorded breeding on the two islands was n = 14. {T}his total includes seabird species breeding on both islands (n = 7): black-winged petrel {P}terodroma nigripennis, wedge-tailed shearwater {A}rdenna pacifica, red-tailed tropicbird {P}haethon rubricauda, masked booby {S}ula dactylatra, brown booby {S}. leucogaster, brown noddy {A}nous stolidus, and grey noddy {A}. albivitta. {H}unter island also harbours a small colony of {H}erald petrel {P}terodroma heraldica, and colonies of lesser and great frigatebirds {F}regata ariel and {F}. minor, red-footed booby {S}. sula and, black noddy {A}. minutus and white tern {G}ygis alba. {M}atthew {I}sland harbours a large colony of sooty tern {O}nychoprion fuscatus; an undetermined storm petrel may also breed there. {D}ifferences between the two islands regarding community composition of seabirds are explained by the absence of trees on {M}atthew {I}sland and the presence of the {P}olynesian rat {R}attus exulans on {H}unter {I}sland. {B}rown noddies bred exclusively during the austral summer, as did black-winged petrels and wedge-tailed shearwaters, while the {H}erald petrel and the two frigatebirds seemed to preferentially breed in the winter. {T}he red-tailed tropicbird, the three boobies, the grey noddy and the sooty tern appeared to reproduce year-round. {D}isturbance caused by human activities was irregular but devastating to seabird colonies. {T}he diversity and abundance of seabird species breeding on these islands makes them regionally important sites for conservation.}, keywords = {{MATTHEW} {ILE} ; {HUNTER} {ILE} ; {NOUVELLES} {HEBRIDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}rxius de {M}iscel·l{\`a}nia {Z}oològica}, volume = {21}, numero = {}, pages = {67--89}, ISSN = {1698-0476}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.32800/amz.2023.21.0067}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085548}, }