@article{fdi:010085390, title = {{A} cost-effective device and methodology to compute aquifer transmissivity and piezometry from free-flowing artesian wells}, author = {{T}oulier, {A}. and {L}achassagne, {P}atrick and {H}endrayana, {H}. and {F}adillah, {A}. and {J}ourde, {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}rtesian aquifers offer interesting opportunities for water supply by providing a low-vulnerability groundwater resource that is easily abstracted without any installation of pumps or power supply costs. {H}owever, hydraulic tests are challenging to perform, notably where the piezometric head is above ground level with free-flowing wells not equipped with valves and open for years. {T}his paper describes a low-cost, easy to reproduce and adaptable device, the free-flowing artesian well device ({FFAWD}), which is mainly designed with a set of {PVC} tubes equipped with a pressure probe and a valve. {T}his device is used to perform hydraulic tests on free-flowing artesian wells, to measure the piezometric head of the aquifer and to compute its transmissivity. {T}he practical use of the {FFAWD} is described and a method is proposed to compute the piezometric head and the transmissivity of the aquifer from this data set (free-flowing well discharge and pressure increase measurements) with any adapted analytical solution, using the {H}oupeurt-{P}ouchan method. {A}rtefacts such as post-production effects, surge effects, and the impact of a leaky well are identified to avoid any misinterpretation. {T}he {FFAWD} was applied to the volcano-sedimentary artesian plain of {P}asuruan ({I}ndonesia). {T}he advantages and limitations of using the device, along with the interpretation methodology, are also discussed.}, keywords = {{E}quipment field technique ; {A}quifer testing ; {H}ydraulic properties ; {F}ree-flowing artesian well device ; {I}ndonesia ; {INDONESIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrogeology {J}ournal}, volume = {30}, numero = {6}, pages = {1917--1931}, ISSN = {1431-2174}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1007/s10040-022-02505-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085390}, }