@article{fdi:010085355, title = {{S}easonal cycle of sea surface salinity in the {A}ngola upwelling system}, author = {{A}wo, {F}. {M}. and {R}ouault, {M}. and {O}strowski, {M}. and {T}omety, {F}. {S}. and {D}a-{A}llada, {C}. {Y}. and {J}ouanno, {J}ulien}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he seasonal cycle of sea surface salinity ({SSS}) along the {A}ngolan coast is investigated using observations and a regional ocean model. {T}he model reproduces the main characteristic of the seasonal cycle of {SSS} along the {A}ngolan coast, such as the freshwater discharge signature off the {C}ongo {R}iver plume and the low-salinity observed in {F}ebruary/{M}arch and {O}ctober/{N}ovember along the {A}ngolan coast. {T}he model also reproduces the two maxima of salinity in {J}une/{J}uly and {D}ecember/{J}anuary. {T}he analysis of the model salt budget reveals that the semi-annual cycle of {SSS} is controlled by the meridional advection of surface water, the vertical advection of subsurface water, and the mixing at the base of the mixed layer. {T}he meridional advection is controlled by the {A}ngola {C}urrent which brings low-salinity water from offshore region of the {C}ongolese coast toward the south {A}ngolan coast in {F}ebruary/{M}arch and {O}ctober/{N}ovember. {T}he vertical advection contribution is modulated by the vertical stratification of salinity and not by vertical velocities which peak during the main {A}ngolan upwelling season. {T}he vertical stratification is due to the low-salinity intrusion at the {A}ngolan coast that creates a strong vertical salinity gradient with low-salinity at the surface and high salinity at the subsurface.}, keywords = {sea surface salinity ; seasonal cycle ; low-salinity intrusion ; salt ; budget ; {A}ngola {C}urrent ; {A}ngolan coast ; {ANGOLA} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {ANGOLA} {COURANT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch - {O}ceans}, volume = {127}, numero = {7}, pages = {e2022{JC}018518 [13 ]}, ISSN = {2169-9275}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1029/2022jc018518}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085355}, }