@article{fdi:010085347, title = {{P}references and access to community-based {HIV} testing sites among men who have sex with men ({MSM}) in {C}ote d'{I}voire}, author = {{I}nghels, {M}. and {K}ouassi, {A}rs{\`e}ne {K}ra and {N}iangoran, {S}. and {B}ekelynck, {A}. and {C}arilon, {S}. and {S}ika, {L}. and {K}one, {M}. and {D}anel, {C}. and {D}esgr{\'e}es du {L}oû, {A}nnabel and {L}armarange, {J}oseph and {A}nrs, {D}od-{C}i}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjective {M}easuring access and preferences to {M}en who have {S}ex with {M}en focused community-based {HIV} testing sites ({MSM}-{CBTS}) in {C}ote d'{I}voire. {D}esign {A} respondent-driven sampling telephone survey. {S}etting {N}ational survey conducted in 2018 in {C}ote d'{I}voire. {P}articipants 518 {MSM} aged over 18 years old. {P}rimary and secondary outcome measures {K}nowledge, practices, satisfaction and preferences regarding {MSM}-{CBTS}. {F}actors associated with {MSM}-{CTBS} access or knowledge and with {HIV} testing venue preferences were examined. {R}esults {O}nly half of the respondents (47%) reported knowing of an {MSM}-{CBTS}. {O}f these, 79% had already attended one. {B}oth knowing of and ever visiting an {MSM}-{CBTS} were significantly associated with a higher number of {HIV} tests performed in the past 12 months and having disclosed sexual orientation to one family member. {I}n terms of preferences, 37% of respondents said they preferred undifferentiated {HIV} testing sites (ie, 'all patients' {HIV} testing sites), 34% preferred {MSM}-{CBTS} and 29% had no preference. {T}hose who reported being sexually attracted to women, being bisexual and those who did not know an {MSM} non-governmental organisation were less likely to prefer {MSM}-{CBTS}. {MSM} who preferred undifferentiated {HIV} testing sites mentioned the lack of discretion and anonymity of community-based sites and the desire to avoid the gaze of others. {C}onclusion {C}ommunity-based {HIV} testing is well suited for {MSM} who identify as homosexual and those close to the {MSM} community, while maintaining undifferentiated {HIV} testing is essential for others. {B}oth types of activities need to be maintained and developed. {H}ealthcare professionals in undifferentiated {HIV} testing sites need to be properly trained in the non-judgemental reception of {MSM}.}, keywords = {{HIV} & {AIDS} ; {I}nternational health services ; {SEXUAL} {MEDICINE} ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMJ} {O}pen}, volume = {12}, numero = {6}, pages = {e052536 [11 ]}, ISSN = {2044-6055}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052536}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085347}, }