@article{fdi:010085284, title = {{S}easonal dynamics of marine protist communities in tidally mixed coastal waters}, author = {{C}aracciolo, {M}. and {R}igaut-{J}alabert, {F}. and {R}omac, {S}. and {M}ahe, {F}. and {F}orsans, {S}. and {G}ac, {J}. {P}. and {A}rsenieff, {L}. and {M}anno, {M}. and {C}haffron, {S}. and {C}ariou, {T}hierry and {H}oebeke, {M}. and {B}ozec, {Y}. and {G}oberville, {E}. and {L}e {G}all, {F}. and {G}uilloux, {L}. and {B}audoux, {A}. {C}. and de {V}argas, {C}. and {N}ot, {F}. and {T}hiebaut, {E}. and {H}enry, {N}. and {S}imon, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ajor seasonal community reorganizations and associated biomass variations are landmarks of plankton ecology. {H}owever, the processes of plankton community turnover rates have not been fully elucidated so far. {H}ere, we analyse patterns of planktonic protist community succession in temperate latitudes, based on quantitative taxonomic data from both microscopy counts (cells >10 mu m) and ribosomal {DNA} metabarcoding (size fraction >3 mu m, 18{S} r{RNA} gene) from plankton samples collected bimonthly over 8 years (2009-2016) at the {SOMLIT}-{A}stan station ({R}oscoff, {W}estern {E}nglish {C}hannel). {B}ased on morphology, diatoms were clearly the dominating group all year round and over the study period. {M}etabarcoding uncovered a wider diversity spectrum and revealed the prevalence of {D}inophyceae and diatoms but also of {C}ryptophyta, {C}hlorophyta, {C}ercozoa, {S}yndiniales and {C}iliophora in terms of read counts and or richness. {T}he use of morphological and molecular analyses in combination allowed improving the taxonomic resolution and to identify the sequence of the dominant species and {OTU}s (18{S} {V}4 r{DNA}-derived taxa) that drive annual plankton successions. {W}e detected that some of these dominant {OTU}s were benthic as a result of the intense tidal mixing typical of the {F}rench coasts in the {E}nglish {C}hannel. {O}ur analysis of the temporal structure of community changes point to a strong seasonality and resilience. {T}he temporal structure of environmental variables (especially {P}hotosynthetic {A}ctive {R}adiation, temperature and macronutrients) and temporal structures generated by species life cycles and or species interactions, are key drivers of the observed cyclic annual plankton turnover.}, keywords = {annual succession ; {DNA} metabarcoding ; marine protists ; temporal variability ; time-series data ; {W}estern {E}nglish {C}hannel ; {FRANCE} ; {MANCHE} ; {ROSCOFF}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {E}cology}, volume = {[{E}arly acces]}, numero = {}, pages = {[23 p.]}, ISSN = {0962-1083}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1111/mec.16539}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085284}, }