@article{fdi:010085269, title = {{O}ccurrence, origin and potential ecological risk of dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorines in surface waters of the {G}ulf of {G}abes ({T}unisia, {S}outhern {M}editerranean {S}ea)}, author = {{Z}aghden, {H}. and {B}arhoumi, {B}. and {J}laiel, {L}. and {G}uigue, {C}. and {C}houba, {L}. and {T}ouil, {S}. and {S}ayadi, {S}. and {T}edetti, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e investigated the occurrence, origin, and potential ecological risk of dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ({PAH}s), polychlorinated biphenyl ({PCB}s) and organochlorine pesticides ({OCP}s) in 27 surface water samples collected from a highly anthropized and industrialized area in the {G}ulf of {G}abes ({T}unisia, {S}outhern {M}editerranean {S}ea) in {O}ctober-{N}ovember 2017. {T}he results demonstrated a wide range of concentrations (ng {L}-1) with the following decreasing order: {S}igma 16 {PAH}s (17.6-71.2) > {S}igma 20 {PCB}s (2.9-33.7) > {S}igma 6 {DDT}s (1.1-12.1) > {S}igma 4 {HCH}s (1.1-14.8). {S}elected diagnostic ratios indicated a mixture of both pyrolytic and petrogenic sources of {PAH}s, with a predominance of petrogenic sources. {PCB} compositions showed distinct contamination signatures for tetra- to hepta-chlorinated {PCB}s, characteristic of contamination by commercial ({A}roclor) {PCB} mixtures. {T}he dominant {OCP} congeners were gamma-{HCH}, 2,4'-{DDD} and 2,4'-{DDE}, reflecting past use of {L}indane and {DDT}s in the study area. {A}gricultural, industrial and domestic activities, as well as atmospheric transport are identified as potential sources of {PAH}s, {PCB}s and {OCP}s in surface waters of the {G}ulf of {G}abes. {T}oxic equivalents ({TEQ}s) suggested a low carcinogenic potential for {PAH}s in seawater samples (mean of 0.14 ng {TEQ} {L}-1). {E}valuation of risk coefficients revealed low risk for {PAH}s and {PCB}s, and moderate to severe risk for {OCP}s.}, keywords = {{PAH}s ; {PCB}s ; {OCP}s ; {E}cological risk ; {G}ulf of {G}abes ; {M}editerranean {S}ea ; {TUNISIE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {GABES} {GOLFE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {P}ollution {B}ulletin}, volume = {180}, numero = {}, pages = {113737 [14 p.]}, ISSN = {0025-326{X}}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113737}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085269}, }