@article{fdi:010085226, title = {{A} convenient untruth : environmental water reallocation and the art of ambiguous arrangements in south-east {F}rance}, author = {{L}aurenceau, {M}artin and {M}olle, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {E}urope, improvements in water-use efficiency have been encouraged in order to achieve the {W}ater {F}ramework {D}irective's environmental goals. {H}owever, it is often unclear where the saved water (if any) goes and to what extent it benefits aquatic ecosystems. {W}hile the technical aspects of this question have been widely debated, its political dimensions have seldom been addressed. {I}n particular, few studies have examined the formulation, implementation or governance of policy tools aimed at reallocating 'saved water' to the environment. {I}n the {D}urance {R}iver {B}asin (south-east {F}rance), a {W}ater {S}aving {A}ccount ({WSA}) was created to facilitate the reallocation of water savings to aquatic ecosystems. {C}ombining the political sociology of policy instruments and historical neo-institutionalist approaches, we show that, rather than fundamentally reordering water distribution, the {WSA} constitutes an ambiguous arrangement that favours the continuation of water savings investments - a policy that is compatible with a large array of objectives and interests - while at the same time embodying and manifesting the new environmental goals and rationale of the {A}gence de l'eau ({W}ater {A}gency). {W}e underline the key role of ambiguity in making 'things which hold together' and facilitating consensus among the main actors involved}, keywords = {{E}nvironmental water reallocation ; ambiguous arrangements ; path ; dependency ; {D}urance {R}iver {B}asin ; {FRANCE} ; {DURANCE} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}nvironmental {P}olicy and {P}lanning}, volume = {25}, numero = {1}, pages = {118--134}, ISSN = {1523-908{X}}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1080/1523908x.2022.2084603}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085226}, }