@article{fdi:010085196, title = {{S}ize fractions of organic matter pools influence their stability : application of the {R}ock-{E}val ({R}) analysis to beech forest soils}, author = {{S}ebag, {D}. and {V}errecchia, {E}. {P}. and {A}datte, {T}. and {A}ubert, {M}. and {C}ailleau, {G}. and {D}ecaens, {T}. and {K}owalewski, {I}. and {T}rap, {J}ean and {B}ureau, {F}. and {H}edde, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}oil organic matter ({SOM}) is a complex heterogeneous mixture formed through decomposition and organo-mineral interactions, and characterization of its composition and biogeochemical stability is challenging. {F}rom this perspective, {R}ock-{E}val ({R}) is a rapid and efficient thermal analytical method that combines the quantitative and qualitative information of {SOM}, including several parameters related to thermal stability. {T}his approach has already been used to monitor changes in organic matter ({OM}) properties at the landscape, cropland, and soil profile scales. {T}his study was aimed to assess the stability of {SOM} pools by characterizing the grain size fractions from forest litters and topsoils using {R}ock-{E}val ({R}) thermal analysis. {L}itter (organic) and topsoil samples were collected from a beech forest in {N}ormandy ({F}rance), whose management in the last 200 years has been documented. {F}ractionation by wet sieving was used to separate large debris (> 2 000 mu m) and coarse (200-2 000 mu m) and fine particulate {OM} ({POM}) (50-200 mu m) in the organic samples as well as coarse (200-2 000 mu m), medium (50-200 mu m), and fine (< 50 mu m) fractions of the topsoil samples. {R}ock-{E}val ({R}) was able to provide thermal parameters sensitive enough to study fine-scale soil processes. {I}n the organic layers, quantitative and qualitative changes were explained by the progressive decomposition of labile organic compounds from plant debris to the finest organic particles. {M}eanwhile, the grain size fractions of topsoils presented different characteristics. {T}he coarse organo-mineral fractions showed higher {C} contents, albeit with a different composition, higher thermal stability, and greater decomposition degree than the plant debris forming the organic layer. {T}hese results are consistent with those of previous studies that microbial activity is more effective in this fraction. {T}he finest fractions of topsoils showed low {C} contents, the highest thermal stability, and low decomposition degree, which can be explained by the stronger interactions with the mineral matrix. {T}herefore, it is suggested that the dynamics of {OM} in the different size fractions be interpreted in the light of a plant-microbe-soil continuum. {F}inally, three distinct thermostable {C} pools were highlighted through the grain size heterogeneity of {SOM}: free coarse {OM} (large debris and coarse and fine particles), weakly protected {OM} in (bio)aggregates (coarse fraction of topsoil), and stabilized {OM} in the fine fractions of topsoil, which resulted from the interactions within organo-mineral complexes. {T}herefore, {R}ock-{E}val ({R}) thermal parameters can be used to empirically illustrate the conceptual models emphasizing the roles of drivers played by the gradual decomposition and protection of the most thermally labile organic constituents.}, keywords = {aggregate ; decomposition ; litter ; organo-mineral interaction ; plant-microbe-soil continuum ; soil organic matter ; thermal analysis ; topsoil ; {FRANCE} ; {NORMANDIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}edosphere}, volume = {32}, numero = {4}, pages = {565--575}, ISSN = {1002-0160}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/s1002-0160(21)60050-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085196}, }