@article{fdi:010085126, title = {{P}rediction of {A}lexandrium and {D}inophysis algal blooms and shellfish contamination in {F}rench {M}editerranean {L}agoons using decision trees and linear regression : a result of 10 years of sanitary monitoring}, author = {{B}ouquet, {A}. and {L}aabir, {M}ohamed and {R}olland, {J}. {L}. and {C}homerat, {N}. and {R}eynes, {C}. and {S}abatier, {R}. and {F}elix, {C}. and {B}erteau, {T}. and {C}hiantella, {C}. and {A}badie, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}rench {M}editerranean lagoons are frequently subject to shellfish contamination by {D}iarrheic {S}hellfish {T}oxins ({DST}s) and {P}aralytic {S}hellfish {T}oxins ({PST}s). {T}o predict the effect of various environmental factors (temperature, salinity and turbidity) on the abundance of the major toxins producing genera, {D}inophysis and {A}lexandrium, and the link with shellfish contamination, we analysed a 10-year dataset collected from 2010 to 2019 in two major shellfish farming lagoons, {T}hau and {L}eucate, using two methods: decision trees and {Z}ero {I}nflated {N}egative {B}inomial ({ZINB}) linear regression models. {A}nalysis of these decision trees revealed that the highest risk of {D}inophysis bloom events occurred at temperature < 16.3 degrees {C} and salinity < 27.8, and of {A}lexandrium at temperature ranging from 10.4 to 21.5 degrees {C} and salinity > 39.2. {T}he highest risk of shellfish contaminations by {DST}s and {PST}s occurred during the set of conditions associated with high risk of bloom events. {L}inear regression prediction enables us to understand whether temperature and salinity influence the presence of {A}lexandrium and affect its abundance. {H}owever, {D}inophysis linear regression could not be validated due to overdispersion issues. {T}his work demonstrates the tools which could help sanitary management of shellfish rearing areas.}, keywords = {{A}lexandrium ; {D}inophysis ; {T}oxic blooms ; {T}emperature ; {S}alinity ; {P}rediction ; {FRANCE} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {THAU} {ETANG} ; {LEUCATE} {ETANG}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}armful {A}lgae}, volume = {115}, numero = {}, pages = {102234 [11 p.]}, ISSN = {1568-9883}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.hal.2022.102234}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085126}, }