@article{fdi:010085111, title = {{R}isk assessment of unlined oil pits leaking into groundwater in the {E}cuadorian {A}mazon : a modified {GIS}-{DRASTIC} approach}, author = {{D}urango-{C}ordero, {J}. and {S}aqalli, {M}. and {F}errant, {S}ylvain and {B}onilla, {S}. and {M}aurice, {L}aurence and {A}rellano, {P}. and {E}lger, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study evaluates the risk of groundwater contamination from unlined oil pits, in the {N}orthern {E}cuadorian {A}mazon ({NEA}). {A}pplying spatial analysis, several maps were provided for its integration in land use planning, public health improvement and future site-specific investigations. {T}wo main maps were produced: (1) a vulnerability indexed map using a modified {DRASTIC} model and (2) a hazard map based on the past (1995-1997) and present (2018) contamination using a weighted density equation. {T}he hazard was derived from hydrocarbon contained in oil pits associated with a cost-distance analysis to obtain different maximum distance ranges ({MDR}), to model the surface of potentially impacted groundwater. {T}he results indicate a total calculated hydrocarbons of 39 052 tons. {A} {MDR} from 500-10 000 km was retained to map aquifers at risk, the maximum surface potentially at risk covers 13% of the {NEA}, while 83% of the area represents low to medium-low vulnerability. {T}his study led to several recommendations, such as the level of suitability of the available information, and what gaps should be filled to improve future research. {A} surface of 271-766.5 km in the 500-2000-m distance range should be prioritised for finer scale risk assessment.}, keywords = {{R}isk assessment ; {O}verlay index ; {A}mazon ; {G}roundwater ; {O}il pollution ; {L}and use planning ; {EQUATEUR} ; {AMAZONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied {G}eography}, volume = {139}, numero = {}, pages = {102628 [15 ]}, ISSN = {0143-6228}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.apgeog.2021.102628}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085111}, }