@article{fdi:010085041, title = {{V}alidation of age estimation and back-calculation of fish length based on otolith microstructures in {T}ilapias ({P}isces, {C}ichlidae)}, author = {{P}anfili, {J}acques and {T}omas, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}wo tilapia species, {S}aro- therodon melanotheron (brackishwater fish) and {O}reochromis niloticus (fresh-water fish), were marked with tetracy-cline and reared in {C}{\^o}te d'{I}voire ({W}est {A}frica) in intensive (fish fed) and extensive (fish unfed) conditions. {J}uvenile and adult otoliths of the two species were examined. {T}hey were cut into transverse thin sections (10 to 40 ?m), and otolith microincrements were counted on the sulcus along the ventral axis. {R}esults for both species showed that microincrements are laid down daily. {T}he number of days of growth reflects the number of microincrements (regression with slope not different from 1 and intercept not different from 0; {P}>0.05). {T}his technique has a tendency to underestimate age ( {P}<0.05): for {S}. melanotheron, the mean bias error is 4.4 d for juveniles (48 to 169 d of growth) and 8.1 d for adults (34 to 185 d of growth); for {O}. niloticus, the mean bias error is 0.9 d for juveniles (31 to 62 d of growth) and 5.1 d for adults (36 to 65 d of growth). {B}ack-calculation of individual length at marking is very sensitive to an uncoupling between otolith and fish-specific growth rates. {W}ith the present data, back-calculated lengths overestimated actual size. {W}hen otolith and fish growth were coupled, length was back-calculated accurately.}, keywords = {{COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ishery {B}ulletin}, volume = {99}, numero = {1}, pages = {139--150}, ISSN = {0090-0656}, year = {2001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085041}, }