@article{fdi:010085001, title = {{E}quatorward pathways of {S}olomon {S}ea water masses and their modifications}, author = {{M}elet, {A}. and {V}erron, {J}. and {G}ourdeau, {L}ionel and {K}och {L}arrouy, {A}riane}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {S}olomon {S}ea is a key region of the southwest {P}acific {O}cean, connecting the thermocline subtropics to the equator via western boundary currents ({WBC}s). {M}odifications to water masses are thought to occur in this region because of the significant mixing induced by internal tides, eddies, and the {WBC}s. {D}espite their potential influence on the equatorial {P}acific thermocline temperature and salinity and their related impact on the low-frequency modulation of {E}l {N}ino-{S}outhern {O}scillation, modifications to water masses in the {S}olomon {S}ea have never been analyzed to our knowledge. {A} high-resolution model incorporating a tidal mixing parameterization was implemented to depict and analyze water mass modifications and the {S}olomon {S}ea pathways to the equator in a {L}agrangian quantitative framework. {T}he main routes from the {S}olomon {S}ea to the equatorial {P}acific occur through the {V}itiaz and {S}olomon straits, in the thermocline and intermediate layers, and mainly originate from the {S}olomon {S}ea south inflow and from the {S}olomon {S}trait itself. {W}ater mass modifications in the model are characterized by a reduction of the vertical temperature and salinity gradients over the water column: the high salinity of upper thermocline water [{S}ubtropical {M}ode {W}ater ({STMW})] is eroded and exported toward surface and deeper layers, whereas a downward heat transfer occurs over the water column. {C}onsequently, the thermocline water temperature is cooled by 0.15 degrees-0.3 degrees {C} from the {S}olomon {S}ea inflows to the equatorward outflows. {T}his temperature modification could weaken the {STMW} anomalies advected by the subtropical cell and thereby diminish the potential influence of these anomalies on the tropical climate. {T}he {S}olomon {S}ea water mass modifications can be partially explained (approximate to 60%) by strong diapycnal mixing in the {S}olomon {S}ea. {A}s for {STMW}, about a third of this mixing is due to tidal mixing.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysical {O}ceanography}, volume = {41}, numero = {4}, pages = {810--826}, ISSN = {0022-3670}, year = {2011}, DOI = {10.1175/2010jpo4559.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085001}, }