@article{fdi:010084752, title = {{D}iversity of fishes collected with light traps in the oldest marine protected area in {V}ietnam revealed by {DNA} barcoding}, author = {{P}ham, {M}. {H}. and {H}oang, {D}. {H}. and {P}anfili, {J}acques and {P}onton, {D}ominique and {D}urand, {J}ean-{D}ominique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{K}nowledge of marine fish diversity remains largely incomplete in the {C}on {D}ao {A}rchipelago, the oldest marine-protected area in {V}ietnam. {P}revious investigations of diversity established a species checklist for {C}on {D}ao but did not specifically target pre-settlement stages of reef fishes and short-life pelagic species even though they provide information on local biodiversity and on the ecological functions of their habitat. {S}pecies identification of small fishes is usually challenging, but in the present study, {DNA} barcode-based identification was used to update the species checklist for {C}on {D}ao marine coastal habitats. {F}ishes were sampled monthly over a 1-year period using light traps in coral reef, seagrass, and harbour habitats. {A}mong a total of 11,509 individuals captured, 1248 specimens were selected for {DNA} barcoding analyses based on morphological differences, 1012 were successfully sequenced, and their {COI} sequences uploaded to the {BOLD} database. {A}mong the 163 corresponding {BIN}s, 120 were recorded for the first time in {V}ietnam while 40 (25%) were new to {BOLD}. {I}t was impossible to assign a complete species name to 59 {BIN}s (36%), because of gaps in the taxonomical coverage or mislabelled {DNA} barcodes (probably due to species misidentification). {A}mong species observed in this study and belonging to 18 orders and 35 families, 85 and 59 were new records for {C}on {D}ao and {V}ietnam, respectively. {T}he high proportion of new species records are probably related to the sampling gear used that is particularly appropriate for sampling crypto-benthic species of the families {G}obiidae, {T}ripterygiidae, and {B}lenniidae. {F}rom a methodological standpoint, this study demonstrates that accuracy of the {DNA} barcode-based species identification can be greatly improved by careful revision of {BIN}s, phylogenetic relationships with sibling {BIN}s, and by using the taxonomical literature which can provide sequences of reference species.}, keywords = {{BIN} ; {COI} ; {C}on {D}ao ; {J}uveniles ; {M}arine coastal habitats ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {CON} {DAO} {ARCHIPEL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {B}iodiversity}, volume = {52}, numero = {3}, pages = {30 [17 ]}, ISSN = {1867-1616}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1007/s12526-022-01266-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084752}, }