@article{fdi:010084748, title = {{M}etal stresses modify soluble proteomes and toxin profiles in two {M}editerranean strains of the distributed dinoflagellate {A}lexandrium pacificum}, author = {{J}ean, {N}. and {P}erie, {L}. and {D}umont, {E}. and {B}ertheau, {L}. and {B}alliau, {T}. and {A}mzil, {Z}. and {L}aabir, {M}ohamed and {M}asseret, {E}. and {C}aruana, {A}. {M}. {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{HAB}s involving {A}lexandrium pacificum have been reported in metal-contaminated ecosystems, suggesting that this distributed species adapts to and/or can tolerate the effects of metals. {M}odifications in soluble proteomes and {PST} contents were characterized in two {M}editerranean {A}. pacificum strains exposed to mono-or polymetallic stresses (zinc, lead, copper, cadmium). {T}hese strains were isolated from two anthropized locations: {S}anta {G}iusta {L}agoon ({I}taly, {SG} {C}10-3) and the {T}arragona seaport ({S}pain, {TAR} {C}5-4{F}). {I}n both strains, metals primarily down regulated key photosynthesis proteins. {M}etals also upregulated other proteins involved in photosynthesis ({PCP} in both strains), the oxidative stress response ({HSP} 60, proteasome and {SOD} in {SG} {C}10-3; {HSP} 70 in {TAR} {C}5 4{F}), energy metabolism ({A}d{K} in {TAR} {C}5-4{F}), neoglucogenesis/glycolysis ({GAPDH} and {PEP} synthase in {SG} {C}103) and protein modification ({PP} in {TAR} {C}5-4{F}). {T}hese proteins, possibly involved in adaptive proteomic responses, may explain the development of these {A}. pacificum strains in metal-contaminated ecosystems. {T}he two strains showed different proteomic responses to metals, with {SG} {C}10-3 upregulating more proteins, particularly {PCP}. {A}mong the {PST}s, regardless of the metal and the strain studied, {C}2 and {GTX}4 predominated, followed by {GTX}5. {U}nder the polymetallic cocktail, (i) total {PST}s, {C}2 and {GTX}4 reached the highest levels in {SG} {C}10-3 only, and (ii) total {PST}s, {C}2, {GTX}5 and neo{STX} were higher in {SG} {C}10-3 than in {TAR} {C}5-4{F}, whereas in {SG} {C}10-3 under copper stress, total {PST}s, {GTX}5, {GTX}1 and {C}1 were higher than in the controls, revealing variability in {PST} biosynthesis between the two strains. {T}otal {PST}s, {C}2, {GTX}4 and {GTX}1 showed significant positive correlations with {PCP}, indicating that {PST} production may be positively related to photosynthesis. {O}ur results showed that the {A}. pacificum strains adapt their proteomic and physiological responses to metals, which may contribute to their ecological success in highly anthropized areas.}, keywords = {{H}armful algal bloom ; {P}aralytic shellfish toxins ; {P}roteomics ; {M}etals ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {ITALIE} ; {ESPAGNE} ; {SARDAIGNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cience of the {T}otal {E}nvironment}, volume = {818}, numero = {}, pages = {151680 [24 p.]}, ISSN = {0048-9697}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151680}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084748}, }