@article{fdi:010084726, title = {{L}ongitudinal survey of {C}oronavirus circulation and diversity in insectivorous bat colonies in {Z}imbabwe}, author = {{C}hidoti, {V}. and {D}e {N}ys, {H}. and {P}inarello, {V}. and {M}ashura, {G}. and {M}iss{\'e}, {D}oroth{\'e}e and {G}uerrini, {L}. and {P}fukenyi, {D}. and {C}appelle, {J}. and {C}hiweshe, {N}. and {A}youba, {A}hidjo and {M}atope, {G}. and {P}eeters, {M}artine and {G}ori, {E}. and {B}ourgarel, {M}. and {L}i{\'e}geois, {F}lorian}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {S}tudies have linked bats to outbreaks of viral diseases in human populations such as {SARS}-{C}o{V}-1 and {MERS}-{C}o{V} and the ongoing {SARS}-{C}o{V}-2 pandemic. {M}ethods: {W}e carried out a longitudinal survey from {A}ugust 2020 to {J}uly 2021 at two sites in {Z}imbabwe with bat-human interactions: {M}agweto cave and {C}hirundu farm. {A} total of 1732 and 1866 individual bat fecal samples were collected, respectively. {C}oronaviruses and bat species were amplified using {PCR} systems. {R}esults: {A}nalysis of the coronavirus sequences revealed a high genetic diversity, and we identified different sub-viral groups in the {A}lphacoronavirus and {B}etacoronavirus genus. {T}he established sub-viral groups fell within the described {A}lphacoronavirus sub-genera: {D}ecacovirus, {D}uvinacovirus, {R}hinacovirus, {S}etracovirus and {M}inunacovirus and for {B}etacoronavirus sub-genera: {S}arbecoviruses, {M}erbecovirus and {H}ibecovirus. {O}ur results showed an overall proportion for {C}o{V} positive {PCR} tests of 23.7% at {C}hirundu site and 16.5% and 38.9% at {M}agweto site for insectivorous bats and {M}acronycteris gigas, respectively. {C}onclusions: {T}he higher risk of bat coronavirus exposure for humans was found in {D}ecember to {M}arch in relation to higher viral shedding peaks of coronaviruses in the parturition, lactation and weaning months of the bat populations at both sites. {W}e also highlight the need to further document viral infectious risk in human/domestic animal populations surrounding bat habitats in {Z}imbabwe.}, keywords = {bat coronavirus ({B}t {C}o{V}s) ; human-bat interaction ; genetic diversity ; reproductive phenology ; {Z}imbabwe ; {ZIMBABWE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}iruses}, volume = {14}, numero = {4}, pages = {781 [18 ]}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.3390/v14040781}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084726}, }