@article{fdi:010084667, title = {{G}eochronological evolution of the potentially active {I}liniza {V}olcano ({E}cuador) based on new {K}-{A}r ages}, author = {{S}antamaria, {S}. and {Q}uidelleur, {X}. and {H}idalgo, {S}. and {S}amaniego, {P}ablo and {L}e {P}ennec, {J}ean-{L}uc and {L}iorzou, {C}. and {L}ahitte, {P}. and {C}ordova, {M}. and {E}spin, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he youngest volcanism of the {E}cuadorian {V}olcanic {F}ront ({W}estern {C}ordillera) is mainly dominated by highly explosive events, including the growth and violent destruction of lava domes, and the formation of thick py-roclastic sequences. {D}eposits associated with such eruptive dynamics have been identified at {I}liniza, a compound volcano located in the {W}estern {C}ordillera with a poorly defined evolutionary history. {W}e present the first {K}-{A}r ages of {I}liniza volcano combined with stratigraphic data, numerical reconstructions, and geochemical analyses, providing a new perspective on its evolution. {O}ur results show that {I}liniza volcano is much younger than pre-viously proposed. {T}he {I}liniza twin-peaked shape is the result of the superposition of two andesitic to dacitic stratovolcanoes. (1) {T}he {N}orth {I}liniza ({NI}) edifice was constructed by two lava successions and an intermediate satellite vent, showing a short range of mainly effusive activity between 123 & {PLUSMN}; 6 and 116 & {PLUSMN}; 2 ka. (2) {T}he {S}outh {I}liniza ({SI}) edifice began its construction through the {L}ower {SI} stage when massive lavas dated at ~45 ka formed a basal cone. {D}uring the {U}pper {SI} stage, the uppermost part of this edifice was destroyed by the highly explosive {J}atuncama phase ({VEI} 5) leaving a 30-40 m-thick ignimbrite sequence. {T}he subsequent extrusion of several dacitic lava domes reconstructed the {S}outh {I}liniza summit at around 35 ka. {T}he {T}erminal {SI} stage corresponds to the emission of several andesitic lavas between 31 & {PLUSMN}; 4 and 25 & {PLUSMN}; 3 ka. {T}he {I}liniza eruptive activity extended into the {L}ate {P}leistocene and {H}olocene with the extrusion of the {T}ishigcuchi lava dome, and the emission of the {P}ongo lava flow dated at 6 & {PLUSMN}; 4 ka. {B}ased on the proposed eruptive history, we suggest that a revised volcanic hazard assessment of the potentially active {I}liniza volcano is required.}, keywords = {{I}liniza volcano ; {E}cuador ; {K}-{A}r dating ; {G}eomorphology ; {V}olcanic hazards ; {EQUATEUR} ; {ILINIZA} {VOLCAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}olcanology and {G}eothermal {R}esearch}, volume = {424}, numero = {}, pages = {107489 [21 ]}, ISSN = {0377-0273}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107489}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084667}, }