@article{fdi:010084662, title = {{A}rsenic exposure and biomarkers for oxidative stress and telomere length in indigenous populations in {B}olivia}, author = {{D}e {L}oma, {J}. and {K}rais, {A}. {M}. and {L}indh, {C}. {H}. and {M}amani, {J}. and {T}irado, {N}. and {G}ardon, {J}acques and {B}roberg, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {W}omen living in the {B}olivian {A}ndes are environmentally exposed to arsenic, yet there is scarce information about arsenic-related effects in this region. {S}everal biomarkers for telomere length and oxidative stress (mitochondrial {DNA} copy number, mt{DNA}cn; 8-{O}xo-2'-deoxyguanosine, 8-oxo-d{G}; and 4-hydroxy nonenal mercapturic acid, 4-{HNE}-{MA}) have been previously linked to arsenic, and some of which are prospective biomarkers for cancer risk.& nbsp;{O}bjective and hypothesis: {T}o evaluate associations between arsenic exposure and telomere length, mt{DNA}cn, 8oxo-d{G}, and 4-{HNE}-{MA} in {B}olivians. {A}rsenic exposure was hypothesized to be positively associated with all four toxicity biomarkers, particularly in individuals with a less efficient arsenic metabolism. {M}ethods: {T}he study encompassed 193 indigenous women. {A}rsenic exposure was assessed in urine as the sum of inorganic arsenic metabolite concentrations ({U}-{A}s) measured by {HPLC}-{HG}-{ICP}-{MS}, and in whole blood as total arsenic ({B}-{A}s) measured by {ICP}-{MS}. {E}fficiency of arsenic metabolism was evaluated by a polymorphism (rs3740393) in the main arsenic methylating gene {AS}3{MT} measured by {T}aq{M}an allelic discrimination, and by the relative fractions of urinary inorganic arsenic metabolites. {T}elomere length and mt{DNA}cn were determined in peripheral blood leukocytes by quantitative {PCR}, and urinary 8-oxo-d{G} and 4-{HNE}-{MA} by {LC}-{MS}/{MS}.& nbsp;{R}esults: {U}-{A}s and {B}-{A}s were associated with longer telomeres and higher mt{DNA}cn, particularly in women with a less efficient arsenic metabolism. {U}rinary 8-oxo-d{G} and 4-{HNE}-{MA} were positively associated with {U}-{A}s, but only 4-{HNE}-{MA} was associated with {B}-{A}s. {A}rsenic metabolism efficiency did not have a clear effect on the concentrations of either of these biomarkers.{C}onclusion: {B}olivian women showed indications of arsenic toxicity, measured by four different biomarkers. {T}elomere length, mt{DNA}cn, and 4-{HNE}-{MA} were positively associated with both {U}-{A}s and {B}-{A}s. {T}he association of arsenic exposure with telomere length and mt{DNA}cn was only present in {B}olivian women with a less efficient metabolism. {T}hese findings call for additional efforts to evaluate and reduce arsenic exposure in {B}olivia.}, keywords = {{M}t{DNA} ; 8-oxo-d{G} ; {HNE} ; {A}ndes ; {T}oxicity ; {C}ancer ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cotoxicology and {E}nvironmental {S}afety}, volume = {231}, numero = {}, pages = {113194 [9 p.]}, ISSN = {0147-6513}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecoenv.2022.113194}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084662}, }