@article{fdi:010084658, title = {{N}{\'e}gocier la terre en attendant la ville : march{\'e}s fonciers et gouvernance p{\'e}riurbaine en {A}frique subsaharienne}, author = {{B}ertrand, {M}onique and {B}on, {B}{\'e}r{\'e}nice}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}he fringes of sub-{S}aharan {A}frican metropolises are being overtaken by rapid urban sprawl, implying massive changes in land use: agricultural land, rural village land or community pastures are being converted into urban or industrial land. {S}tudies of the processes at work remain partial. {T}he logics of these land markets are too often restricted to mega-projects' dynamics, the restructuring of national and transnational agribusiness corporations or the centrifugal movements of city dwellers. {B}y comparing two {W}est and {E}ast {A}frican metropolises ({B}amako and {N}airobi), this article sheds light on the multiple transactions carried out on land, the various strategies of anticipation, speculation and real estate capitalization. {I}t then analyzes how these practices are articulated with local and national political regulations of land markets. {T}his approach allows us to propose three criteria for characterizing and classifying investments in land, in relation to urbanization dynamics in {A}frica.}, keywords = {{A}frica ; {M}ali ; {K}enya ; land markets ; urban sprawl ; governance ; {AFRIQUE} {SUBSAHARIENNE} ; {MALI} ; {KENYA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}anadian {J}ournal of {A}frican {S}tudies}, volume = {[{E}arly access]}, numero = {}, pages = {2023359 [26 p.]}, ISSN = {0008-3968}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1080/00083968.2021.2023359}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084658}, }