@article{fdi:010084651, title = {{D}ensity effect of {E}isenia sp. epigeic earthworms on the hydraulic conductivity of sand filters for wastewater treatment}, author = {{G}ilibert, {O}. and {G}erino, {M}. and {C}osta, {D}. {T}. and {S}auvage, {S}. and {J}ulien, {F}. and {C}apowiez, {Y}. and {O}range, {D}idier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nside sand filters, as inside other microporous substrates, several invertebrates create temporary burrows that impact on water movement through the filter. {L}umbricids {E}isenia fetida and {E}isenia andrei live under a wide range of environmental conditions and have a high reproduction rate so they are good candidates for ecological engineering tests. {W}e assessed the impact of these species at different densities (0, 100, 500, 1000 g m(-2)) on the hydraulic conductivity of small-sized experimental filters made of columns filled with filter sand classically used for sanitation mixed with 5% organic matter. {T}he hydraulic conductivity was recorded every 7 days over 37 days in non-saturated conditions. {O}n day 23, 40 g of peat bedding was added at the column surfaces to simulate a surface clogging organic matter pulse input. {C}olumns with an earthworm density equal or superior to 500 g m(-2) revealed the highest hydraulic conductivities during the first 21 days. {A}t these densities, the hydraulic conductivity was also restored in less than 7 days after the addition of the surface organic matter, showing the influence of the earthworm species on the resilience capacity of the hydraulic conductivity. {I}t was also highlighted that the hydraulic flow was dependent on the lumbricid densities with an optimal density/effect around 500 g m(-2) in this specific substrate composition. {T}his study showed that the feeding habits and burrowing activity of both {E}isenia species significantly enhanced the hydraulic flow in a sandy substrate, providing a sustainable solution to limit the clogging of the substrate similar to the one used in filters to treat wastewater.}, keywords = {{E}isenia sp ; hydraulic conductivity ; sand filter ; wastewater treatment}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater}, volume = {14}, numero = {7}, pages = {1048 [14 ]}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.3390/w14071048}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084651}, }