@article{fdi:010084635, title = {{T}-{S} and hydrodynamical structures within the deltaic regions and continental platforms adjacent to two northeastern {B}razilian rivers}, author = {{C}apuano, {T}onia {A}strid and {A}raujo, {M}. and {S}ilva, {M}. and {V}arona, {H}. {L}. and {C}ambon, {G}ildas and {K}och {L}arrouy, {A}riane}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he delta-front estuaries of large rivers are crucial interfaces between lands and oceans, being considered hotspots of vulnerability to the impact of climate changes due to several causes: sea level rise; changes in the river discharges driven by climatic alterations in the hydrographic basins; high human concentration and other anthropic factors. {T}his study focuses on the hydrodynamics/circulation and {T}-{S} structure within the shelf regions and continental platform adjacent to two among the major rivers of {N}ortheastern {B}razil: the {S}ao {F}rancisco and {P}arnaiba. {W}e aim to qualitatively and quantitatively describe the physical dynamics typical of these coastal regions and try to relate their main alterations to the effects of local mechanisms as tidal forcing. {T}he choice of these deltas was motivated by the great potential that such, biodiverse regions have in acting as important proxies of environmental modifications affecting the {B}razilian tropical zone, allowing to investigate the role of geographical variability in response to these changes. {A} series of regional, modelling simulations was realized, at increasingly higher resolutions, in order to assess the mean and seasonal spatio-temporal variability of physical properties ({T}-{S} distribution, salt transport, hydrodynamical features of the local circulation). {T}he identification and analysis of the major scales of variability was also used to evaluate the performance and applicability of our numerical tool, the {R}egional {O}cean {M}odelling {S}ystem, in the study areas. {P}reliminary results on mesoscales processes indicate that both deltas are modulated by an intense turbulent activity. {T}he continental platform near the {S}ao {F}rancisco estuary is marked by the presence of subsurface-intensified vortices, and the one in proximity of the {P}arnaiba mouth is characterized by the appearance of small vortices, fine meanders and filaments probably triggered by non-linear interactions between the river plume and the {N}orth {B}razilian {C}urrent rings.}, keywords = {{R}ivers' deltas ; {T}-{S} properties ; {M}esoscale eddies ; {T}ropical {A}tlantic ; {ROMS} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {BRESIL} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}egional {S}tudies in {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {51}, numero = {}, pages = {102219 [15 p.]}, ISSN = {2352-4855}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rsma.2022.102219}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084635}, }