@article{fdi:010084543, title = {{T}he nurse plant {A}cacia spirorbis enriches ectomycorrhizal community composition of a target species : {T}ristaniopsis calobuxus}, author = {{H}oules, {A}. and {G}otty, {K}. and {J}oussemet, {F}. and {V}incent, {B}. and {H}annibal, {L}aure and {P}atrois, {M}. and {J}ourand, {P}hilippe and {D}ucousso, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e investigated the suitability of {A}cacia spirorbis {L}abill., a tropical ectomycorrhizal ({ECM}) tree, as a nurse plant to improve the growth of {T}ristaniopsis calobuxus {B}rongn. & {G}ris seedlings for the restoration of nickel mines in {N}ew {C}aledonia. {R}ehabilitation of nickel mines in {N}ew {C}aledonia is a major concern. {I}n such harsh soil conditions, ectomycorrhizal ({ECM}) symbiosis is important for tree growth, survival, and resistance. {T}o improve ecological restoration in {N}ew {C}aledonia, new technical itineraries have undergone experimentation using {ECM} as a plant nurse, allowing {ECM} saplings to rapidly acquire a wide range of {ECM} fungi. {W}e transplanted {ECM} seedlings of {T}ristaniopsis calobuxus from the nursery to bare ferralitic soils harbouring some scattered 12-year-old {A}cacia spirorbis to be used as {ECM} nurse plants. {U}sing molecular characterisation of {ITS} r{DNA}, we characterised {ECM} fungal communities of {A}. spirorbis and of {T}. calobuxus saplings at transplanting time and 13 months later. {W}e observed changes in the composition of fungal communities of {T}. calobuxus with an increase in diversity, notably the appearance of operational taxonomic units ({OTU}s) affiliated with /russula, /boletus and /pisolithus-scleroderma and a decrease in ubiquitous nursery order such as /sebacina. {W}e also observed a higher number of shared {OTU}s between {T}. calobuxus and {A}. spirorbis. {T}he vicinity of {A}. spirorbis enabled diversification and adaptation of the {T}. calobuxus {ECM} fungal community. {T}hese results led us to recommend {A}. spirorbis as a good nurse tree candidate in the framework of ecological restoration of mine sites.}, keywords = {agroforestry ; ectomycorrhizal share ; forest nursery ; fungal {ITS} ; {N}ew {C}aledonia ; tree legume ; ultramafic soil ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}iversity}, volume = {14}, numero = {2}, pages = {107 [13 ]}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.3390/d14020107}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084543}, }